Gmail's Sucky Support


[H]F Junkie
Feb 6, 2003
WTF is up with Google? I try to use their gmail password recovery and all I get is a runaround, no tech support, no online chat, no phone numbers, etc. Keep getting some BS error when trying to recover password of "account contains invalid data". Only have to use gmail for my Google phone, which recently got trashed and replaced. How the hell are you supposed to remember some password you setup once a year ago? All my contacts, etc. were working as of Tuesday, so the account must have been active, as that stuff doesn't get saved to the SIM card automatically.

T-Mobile is of no use either since Google controls the accounts. Total bull.
So are you saying don't be stupid enough to forget your password on a free e-mail service?
I don't know about everyone else but I only have 2 or 3 (long) passwords that I use for everything and that I rotate around every few months. It might take a few tries to unlock an account but it always works.
So are you saying don't be stupid enough to forget your password on a free e-mail service?

Like no one ever forgot a password on free or paid service for that matter! :rolleyes:

A free email service that's tied intimately to internet-based cell phone service (esp one called a GOOGLE PHONE!), yes, should have better support! Tmobile and/or Google, and/or HTC should pay for their customers to get premium support.

Bricking a free email account is no big deal, but when the phone cannot even be used without it, it's a different story. They don't explain how big a deal it is when signing up with the phone. I figured it was just some bogus tie in by Goggle to get you into an email account, not a critical component of the phone working.

I never use gmail itself, it's only a crutch for the phone to work, hence I entered the password once when setting the phone up a year ago, never to be used again. easy to forget.
That only works if you think you actually need the password! When I got the Google phone, there was nothing in the setup routine that stated the "free" account was actually NEEDED o run the phone. I thought it was just some throw-away email account that Google threw in to boost their numbers.

Do you need an email password to run a Blackberry? I think not, and that was the only other type of smartphone I had used previously. Sure you can set it up to handle email, but you don't need to on the newer consumer level phones.

If I had actually known the gmail account was needed, I would have protected it. Once the phone is setup, you NEVER need to enter your gmail password for normal operations, hence it was promptly forgotten about.

All around, it's shoddy work by all involved, T-Mobile, HTC, and Google.

I've gone through 4 supposed automatic password recovery cycles, waiting 24-hrs between each request, and STILL get the same error. Total bullshit. Google keeps sending you in the same circle jerk automated crap with no chance at real support.
If I had actually known the gmail account was needed, I would have protected it.

You must have not been paying attention then,

I just got my Droid through Verizon and the first thing they had me do when initializing the phone was log into my Gmail account. I asked why they told me I needed one to run the most of the phone operations and functions are synced with the account and if I hadn't already had one they I would have create one and use it. I think it is an amazing feature.

My friend also just bought a Droid online and they would not let him complete his order until he created and activated a Gmail account. It clearly stated to him that a Gmail was necessary. I guessing your T-Mobile rep didn't make this clear all Google phones need a Gmail account.

Just try it out though I tried to reset my password and I cant even make it past the security option where you enter the random string of characters. I must have tried 20 times....

I wish you the best of luck...
I didn't have them set it up for me. basically got the phone and did the quick start up myself. The phone makes you create a gmail account during the initial bootup (or use your own if you have one), but doesn't warn you about how important it is.

Still screwy support for essentially a PAID product, even if gmail itself is free. It's like buying a car and not getting the keys with it! Dealer starts the car remotely and doesn't tell you you're screwed if you ever shut if off. You drive off not noticing there's no key or even an ignition switch. Then the dealer moves, leaves no forwarding address or phone number, just a note saying to check the user self-support forums. :rolleyes:
i would venture to guess most FREE email programs such as yahoo would have crappy support. its free they dont give a rats ass if you have problems or not.
When I got the Google phone, there was nothing in the setup routine that stated the "free" account was actually NEEDED o run the phone. I thought it was just some throw-away email account that Google threw in to boost their numbers.
The manual is pretty clear about it. It tells you to write down your user name and password and keep them in a safe place.