Gigabyte K8NSNXP-939 Help


Nov 21, 2000
Could someone that owns this board first of all tell me what the label on the included driver cd was? Mine says Nforce3-250 which makes me uncomfortable especially since I can not for the life of me get this thing stable. I've seen other posts about issues people are having so I'm trying to start at the top with bad drivers. And when the heck did mobo manufacturers stop posting the raid drivers as a seperate download?

All I can figure so far is this mobo hates ram. I've hit the same instability wall that others have posted about. Low-lat ram from corsair is not working well, I've had to really relax the timings and even then I can't make it past 4 prime95 torture tests.

I'm starting to think that nforce3-939 is just bad and that nforce4 cant come fast enough. :mad: