gigabyte board driving me nuts... (psu related)


Sep 2, 2005
I have a 550 watt, 24 pin FSP Group FSP550-60PLN psu that worked great until recently. (well, actually its been a while but w/e). the computer would not turn on at all, and the 5v standby line was acting weird (my mouse has a led on it that is usually always on, but now it was pulsing like crazy). i was certain that it was my psu, so i took it out tested its voltages, and tried it on some old mobos, and it was working exactly as expected. so, i though the mobo was fried; i tried an old 20 pin psu, and it worked. puzzled, i bought a decent antec 24pin psu (the earthwatt series, i think) and that worked fine also. thinking the problem was solved, i put my fsp back in and the same problem came back. well, actually, it worked ONCE. satisfied, i packed everything back in my case (i had removed all the unnecessary stuff {hdd's, dvd drives, etc} to eliminate any outside sources to the problem), put the whole thing back in its place, and turned it on.. only for it to do the same thing. anyone have any ideas? i tried gigabyte's tech support, but they gave me basic answers like: is it plugged in? are you sure its not a toaster? (i wish it was.. :( )

EDIT: ops forgot the most important detail: the mobo is a: GIGABYTE GA-K8N Ultra-9 939 NVIDIA nForce4 Ultra