Getting some sort of strange lag after sleep mode


Mar 2, 2013
So, I have a Gigabyte 980 Ti G1 Gaming. Great card, runs games on 1440p beautifully. Anyway, noticing after sleep mode, I get a terrible lag that pretty much goes on until I decide to restart. Doesn't matter if playing games, or on the desktop. The lag is everywhere. I've narrowed it down to a GPU issue, because uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers makes it run just fine. Anyone else having any similar issue? Honestly, I'm kinda out of ideas on what it could be. Perhaps I should try downgrading drivers and see what happens. When I don't get this lag, I usually get 50-70 fps in Heaven. During this lag, I average about 10. Any help would be great

This might help out a little, I'm noticing the TDP is quite low
From that clock speed and voltage reading I take it you have overclocked the card. After waking from sleep try setting the overclock back to stock speeds and wait for it to idle, then reapply your overclock to see if that helps.
With the last couple of driver sets I've been having GPU and VRAM clock speed issues (also have a 980 Ti G1). However I don't put the computer to sleep.

I reverted back to 359.06 and those issues stopped. You might want to try an older driver as well.
Well, I tried both solutions, neither really worked... I suppose I can just disable sleep mode