Get Free Shipping at Amazon with Minimum Possible Amount


Nov 6, 2010
First of all, I am not sure if this should go to Hot Deals or Free Stuff, since it is not quite free but close, and it is also sort of a hot deal.

As the holidays are here, we all buy stuff online and send them to friends and relatives. One of the most awesome thing about Amazon is its free shipping if you spend $25. ;)

Every so often, we are just a few cents or a buck or two short of free shipping and we end up spending hours hunting for the right item to get free shipping or end up sending a lot more buying another item.

A few months ago I came across a place where you can easily find stuff that will get you free shipping on Amazon with items worth just enough quickly and easily. This way, you don't end up spending too much for friends and relatives and still get free shipping from Amazon.

Anyway, it is at

I initially discovered it through CNET, which says it is a very accurate "filler finder." As I was ordering holiday gifts for people, it came in handy and I thought I should share it with the folks here. :)
</insert mandatory Amazon Prime gushing here> ;)

For those that don't have Amazon Prime though, those filler finder sites are nice.
wow great idea to bad it shows half a page of junk that you would never need.. better off just searching for a cheap item. Great idea tho ( ijust searched for 2 and 3$ items maybe 5$ ones would be better? ) ((most the 3$ stuff looked like 99 cent ebay items0
amazon prime is sickness (prime member myself)

Not sure if it worth the cost just to get free 2 day shipping.

I typically buy things that total over 25 bucks, so I get free shipping.May not be 2 day, but I still get most of them fairly quickly..
Love Amazon Prime. Got a free membership because of my (now former) student status.
It's not that hard to get a Prime account. Most community colleges will let anyone register and subsequently receive a school e-mail and a GMail account for school...