Gears of War teaser game?


Sep 29, 2005
Alright, im built an engine for a 2d side scrolling game. All i need now is an idea for a game. I was thinking of making an Unreal themed single player game. What do you guys think?
heres what the engine can do...

-particle effects
-ragdoll physics
-rigid bodies (boxes, shell casings, etc.. all behave like they would in real life)
-fluid water (waves, splashes, etc.. all controlled by other physics objects)

Its very smiilar to Soldat except in flash.

What do you guys think? Im open for suggestions and any feedback you can give me.
I say go into the future time peroid. Add some creative weapons. Figure out a good plot, or problem for the player to slove for motivation & story.

Knowing you, something like "smash TV" video game would rock. :)
You ever play the game 'Exile' on the Atari ST/Amiga/BBC Micro? try something like that. Would be very cool to have something similar. Loved the original.

Heres a wiki entry

Could be a good use for your engine since the original used physics simulation (albeit VERY primitive) for all objects including bullets and particle effects. Very cool for the time.

Heres an old test pc convertion that someone did a few years ago.

It will give you an idea of what the game is like.

Give it a look and see what you think.