Gateway FPD2185W problems...

Mar 2, 2006
I just got this display. Out of the box it seemed great, played Battlefield2 and surfed the web for a few hours back and trouble.
Returned later last night, installed the EzTune software, and FRAPS started playing Battlefield and the display would go dark and then the on screen display feature of the panel would show "No Signal RGB".
Nothing I did could get the panel to recognize the DVI-D input I was using I had to re-boot to get it to recognize the panel. Switched to VGA...same thing, after playing for a few minutes it went dark again.
I tried lower help. It even went dark one time while just surfing the net.

It seems to me this is a problem with the panel itself since I'm not using the RGB connections. I never had a second or third connection plugged into the panel always used the DVI-D except the one time I tried the VGA but never had both plugged in at the same time and never plugged anything into the S video or composite or component (RGB) connectors.

I'm about to try it after un-installing the EzTune software and see if thats the problem then I guess I un-install FRAPS if the EzTune isn't the culprit...

Anyone have any suggestions or experience with a panel suddenly going dark and complaining about "Lost Signal RGB" when you weren't even using a RGB connection?

My system is EVGA 131-K8-NF44-XX mATX SLI mobo using a single BFG 7900GT OC card, AMD X24400+ 2x1gig OCZ DDR400
The case is relatively cool, video card never goes above 52c that I've ever seen
Never had any other problems with this computer, it's only a few weeks old.
Using the approved 84.21 drivers.

Any help would be much appreciated!
I have the Gateway. I was going to install EZ-Tune until I saw a whole bunch of people say it screwed up their system. I think you have to boot in Safe Mode to uninstall, but that's where I would start.
I havn't had the no signal problem, I only see that if I switch to an input that has nothing connected. I do use Ez-Tune, I like the auto rotate and color correction. But I do not have a nforce4 motherboard, I have an 875 with 6800GT. Ez-Tune + NF4 is a no go from what I've read.
Thanks for the heads up.
I just returned from exchanging it and as soon as I tuned the new one on I uninstalled EzTune...
So far everythings great. I guess I should have waited a little longer and tried to uninstall EzTune first but time was of the essence, if I was going to get it exchanged before next week it had to be this morning.
So...if you're in the Myrtle Beach area you can go to Best Buy and pick up the open box Gateway 21 inch wide screen they will soon have for a bit of a discount ;)
I've read a couple of things about the GW that may or may not apply to your problem.

One is that quite a few of these, especially the early ones, were having the DVI port fail. However, VGA would still work so this may not be your problem.

Second, as sanitystream mentioned, the EZ-Tune software seems to have a lot of problems and has been causing headaches for many people with the GW. Do a search in this forum of EZ-Tune and you may find your answer and a solution.

Edit: Your post beat mine by a few seconds. :p
Roll back your drivers to the 82s. I had the same problem with the 84s, as soon as I installed them, DVI stopped working. I could hot plug it and it would work, but I couldn't turn on/off the monitor and as soon as i rebooted, no picture. I had the same problem with the earlier cats and my X800XL.