Garbage from Old XP User


May 21, 2002
I have recently purchased a used laptop. The person who used the laptop last created a user as their name in XP. I changed the name of the user to my name in the control panel, but there is still a folder under C:\Documents and Settings with the name of the old user. I have tried to rename this folder to my name, but Win XP generates an error saying that the folder is a Windows system folder and is required for Windows to run properly. It cannot be moved or renamed.

Is it possible to change the name of this folder without reinstalling windows? I would like to remove all traces of the old user. Changing the administrator account name does not remove the folder from the other user. Thanks for the help.
I'd create a new user for yourself with the name you want, then log in under that and delete the old user. You should be able to copy any contained data you'd like to keep (like My Docs and such).
Create your own user name if you havent already and give yourself administrator access. Go to system properties (right click my computer, properties, or go to control panel, system) then go to the Advanced tab, User profiles, highlight his name and hit delete. Then try to delete the folder from docs and settings if it still hasnt disappeared.