Gaming questionnaire->


Aug 24, 2004
Okay, do the copy and paste for the shat below.

Age: 21
Sex: David Suzuki
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS2, Virtual Boy, GBA, SNES, Nintendo, N64, GC.
Favorite era in gaming: I was the most excited when Super Nintendo came out (I'm always talking about that shit). Sim City and Mario Kart.
Favorite gaming console: PC.
Favorite controller: PS2 dual shock
In game-> music on or off: If it's a pc game, usually off, so I can mp3 it.
Favorite all time game: Um, Doom 2. Actually no. The first Half-Life.
Favorite PC game: Right now, Far Cry.
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: I'm going to say Tony 3 or Vice City or Resident Evil 4.
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Super Punchout!!
Favorite handheld game: Dr. Mario on GBA.
Favorite RPG: Shadowrun for snes or Zelda 1 and 2 for nes.
Favorite FPS: Half-Life
Guilty pleasure: My N64 archive. (if you play DDR, you should put that here, joker)
Game you will always defend: Doom 3. That game kicks ass. Maybe on paper it's not as good, but damn it, you shoot demons in the face in hell and crazyness ensues.
Desert island top 5 picks: Far Cry, Doom 2, WoW (I've never played it, but I'm sure it would be good for a desert island), Tony 3, Dr. Mario.
Favorite game soundtrack: The Doom games have sweet music. Anyone played Tropico? Weipa wempa. Mario 2. F-Zero.
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Paul McCartney - Tug of war
Favorite game company: Whoever delivers. I like Nintendo exclusives.
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Soilitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: The whole Valve/Half-Life family. Mario as well.
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Not that I remember. Probably.
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS, XBOX, GC
Favorite era in gaming:Quake 2 era, played deathmatch all the time
Favorite gaming console: PC / XBOX
Favorite controller: XBOX large controller
In game-> music on or off: On
Favorite all time game: Warcraft 2
Favorite PC game: World of Warcraft
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game:Halo
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Mario Kart
Favorite handheld game: Zelda
Favorite RPG: WoW
Favorite FPS: HL2
Guilty pleasure: Civ 2
Game you will always defend: Halo
Desert island top 5 picks: WoW, Halo, Metroid Prime, CoD, HL2
Favorite game soundtrack: Final Fantasy 3
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Theory of a Deadman : Gasoline
Favorite game company: The "real" Blizzard
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Minesweeper
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Quake, Half Life, Warcraft
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Nope
Reminds me of those chain letters back in the day.

Age: 22
Sex: M
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, SNES, GC
Favorite era in gaming: The SNES days
Favorite gaming console: PC.
Favorite controller: Keyboard/Mouse
In game-> music on or off: Depends.
Favorite all time game: Wolfenstein: ET
Favorite PC game: Wolfenstein: ET
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: Mortal Kombat
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Wow, hard one.. I really liked Radiant Silvergun on the Saturn, and Super Metroid on the SNES
Favorite handheld game: Heh, I used to have a Nomad, so Sonic & Knuckes with Sonic 3.
Favorite RPG: Final Fantasy III
Favorite FPS: Wolfenstein: ET
Guilty pleasure: I played Virtual Valerie. :p
Desert island top 5 picks: Wolfenstein: ET, WOW, HL2, CSS, MK if there any anyone elseo on said island.
Favorite game soundtrack: QuakeII.
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Nick Drake - Byter Layter
Favorite game company: Dont really have a fav.
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Soilitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: HL, Quake
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: My ex gf. Many times. You know that you are obsessed when you turn down sex to "get a few more xp".
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, XBOX, N64, PS1, SNES.
Favorite era in gaming: SNES days... I won it off a radio contest "be the 99th caller"
Favorite gaming console: PC.
Favorite controller: SNES
In game-> music on or off: On, might turn the music volume down but I can't do without it for some reason.
Favorite all time game: Half Life TFC
Favorite PC game: Alpha Centauri
Favorite N64 game: Goldeneye (beat it top to bottom and got opened almost all the cheats)
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: Never played enough console to have a fav
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Mario Cart/Shadowrun (Sega)
Favorite handheld game: Some new racer game I bought my nephew for his DS
Favorite RPG: The first Zelda on SNES or Final Fantasy IV (I think)
Favorite FPS: Half-Life
Guilty pleasure: I keep reloading and playing Diablo 2 and trying new MODS for it
Game you will always defend: HL TFC it was better than CS was back in the day.
Desert island top 5 picks: Diablo 2, Alpha Centauri, WoW, Goldeneye, Mario Cart.
Favorite game soundtrack: F-Zero was cool (good call), next would be... Rock and Roll racing (fun SNES Game too).
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Police Box Set
Favorite game company: Gotta go Blizzard (cause they have 2 of my Desert Island picks) or Firaxis.
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Minesweeper
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Every game that was a top 10-20 seller.
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Not that I play too many, that I play to often; yes.
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: None
Favorite era in gaming:sega genises
Favorite gaming console: See above
Favorite controller: Keyboard and mouse
In game-> music on or off: Off
Favorite all time game: Myth:The fallen lords
Favorite PC game: Right now, HL2: Plan of Attack <----Great MOD
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game:None
Favorite SNES/Sega game: The imortal
Favorite handheld game: None
Favorite RPG: OMFG I hate RPG's!
Favorite FPS: Half-Life
Guilty pleasure: Sex while gaming!
Game you will always defend:Sacrifice
Desert island top 5 picks:HL2, Far Cry, BIA's, Plan of Attack, CSS
Favorite game soundtrack: Hate music in games!
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Anything Nirvana
Favorite game company:There all greedy scum-bags
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Soilitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: The whole Valve/Half-Life family.
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: EVERYONE!!
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: Atari, Sega Master System, Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Sega Dreamcast, Xbox, PC
Favorite era in gaming: Current
Favorite gaming console: PC
Favorite controller: Keyboard + Mouse
In game-> music on or off: On
Favorite all time game: Mortal Kombat
Favorite PC game: Splinter Cell CT
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: Halo 1
Favorite SNES/Sega game: was Contra on the SNES
Favorite handheld game: Never got into handheld
Favorite RPG: Elder Scrolls 3
Favorite FPS: UT2K4 right now
Guilty pleasure: No guilt, im proud of every stupid thing I do.
Game you will always defend: MK
Desert island top 5 picks: Splinter Cell CT, WoW, UT, Mario 64 (just feel like playing it), MK
Favorite game soundtrack: Background noise is background noise.
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Sum 41 - Does this look infected
Favorite game company: UBIsoft
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Minesweeper
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Bungie because they should comeout with something really good since their not working on a Halo3
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Never
Age: 24
Sex: M
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS2, XBox
Favorite era in gaming: SNES era
Favorite gaming console: PC
Favorite controller: Logitech Elite + MX518
In game-> music on or off: Depends on the game... Games like Painkiller and Serious Sam - On. Most others - Off.
Favorite all time game: No One Lives Forever
Favorite PC game: Right now, HL2/CSS
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: None.
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Chrono Trigger
Favorite handheld game: Any of the Zeldas
Favorite RPG: KOTOR
Favorite FPS: NOLF/HL2
Guilty pleasure: You really don't want to get into that with me...
Game you will always defend: HL2
Desert island top 5 picks: No Ones Lives Forever, KOTOR, HL2, WoW, maybe CoD
Favorite game soundtrack: Don't really have one... KOTOR I guess.
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Favorite game company: id and Blizzard
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Soilitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Meh
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Sure
Age: 18
Sex: M
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS2, GB(old school big ass one)
Favorite era in gaming: When HL2 and MGS3 came out
Favorite gaming console: PC.
Favorite controller: PS2 dual shock
In game-> music on or off: On but turned low, MP3s when playing CS vs bots
Favorite all time game: FF8
Favorite PC game: CounterStrike
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: MGS:3
Favorite SNES/Sega game: ummm this game with Chipmunks or sumtin like that
Favorite handheld game: Mortal Kombat2(maybe 1)
Favorite RPG: Final Fantasy 8
Favorite FPS: Counter Strike
Guilty pleasure: Dance Dance Revolution
Game you will always defend: Final Fantasy 8
Desert island top 5 picks: Counter Strike, HL2, FF8, FF7, Playboy Mansion(ummm its a desert Island ya know what I mean)
Favorite game soundtrack: Metal Gear Solid 3
Favorite game company: Konami/Square
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Soilitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Metale Gear
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Yup
wtf???? too much stuff.
sex: yes,also married(for a long time to the same woman, and she is truly [H] for putting up with me!)
console:pS either one, its all weve ever had, prefer the PC
controller:mouse and Zboard
favourite console games: Madden anything
NES:college football any year
FPS: not fair,new one have such fine graphics. Id say asteroids or missle command (back when you had to put a quarter in the video console in a barroom.)
in game sound:sure,thats what its for isnt it.
guilty pleasure: wouldnt you like to know.
desert island picks: water,food,beer,electricity,satellite disk and LARGE screen TV.
game Ill always defend:monopoly
has anyone ever told you you play too many video games: yes,see married above. Also my mother (shes 80
to Tim: You truly are indeed [H]. Peace to you as well :D
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS2, Xbox, GBA, DS, GBC.
Favorite era in gaming: Current Era
Favorite gaming console: Xbox.
Favorite controller: Xbox controller S
In game-> music on or off: Depends, usually on.
Favorite all time game: Tied, Tribes:AA for PS2, and San Andreas
Favorite PC game: Half-Life 2
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: Any of the GTA's
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Super MarioKart
Favorite handheld game: WarioWare: Touched.
Favorite RPG: Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, No doubt.
Favorite FPS: The Unreal Series.
Guilty pleasure: Really getting into character in RPG's.
Game you will always defend: TimeSplitters: Future Perfect.
Desert island top 5 picks: GTA:SA, Morrowind, WarioWare:T, TimeSpliters:FP, and Dungeon Siege.
Favorite game soundtrack: Morrowind
Favorite game company: LionHead.
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Soilitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: GTA Series.
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: All the time.
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS2
Favorite era in gaming: Current Era/SNES, Genesis
Favorite gaming console: PS2
Favorite controller: PS2
In game-> music on or off: Depends, usually off.
Favorite all time game: Final Fantasy 7
Favorite PC game: Half-Life 2/Diablo 2 (maybe even Guild Wars we'll see)
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: Shadow Hearts Covenant
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Sonic and Knuckles 2
Favorite handheld game: N/A
Favorite RPG: FF7
Favorite FPS: CS:S
Guilty pleasure: Counterstrike 1.5 @ school
Game you will always defend: Shadow Hearts Covenant
Desert island top 5 picks: Half-Life 2 w/ CS:S, Diablo 2, Sonic & Knuckles, Guild Wars, Ut2k4
Favorite game soundtrack: Doom 3
Favorite game company: Blizzard
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Soilitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Diablo series
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Yes, only my girlfriend though.
Age: 35
Sex: male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, Game Cube, Sega Genesis
Favorite era in gaming: Current era, Games keep getting better.
Favorite gaming console: PC.
Favorite controller: keyboard/mouse
In game-> music on or off: depends on the game
Favorite all time game: UT series.
Favorite PC game: UT2k3
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game:Soul Caliber II or Mortal Kombat
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Populous
Favorite handheld game: don't really like handhelds
Favorite RPG: don't really like RPG's but Shadowrun on Genesis if I have to pick
Favorite FPS: UT2k3
Guilty pleasure: scantily clad female bots for UT2k3,4 ;)
Game you will always defend: UT series. Love Double Domination, though it seems fairly unpopular
Desert island top 5 picks: Deus Ex, HL 1 and 2, Civ III, UT2k3
Favorite game soundtrack: HL 1
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Bad Religion - Against the Grain
Favorite game company: Whoever delivers.
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Solitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Quake IV, HL2 Expansion
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: At least once a week :D

Age: 20
Sex: M
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC
Favorite era in gaming: The time of the original Civilization.
Favorite gaming console: PC.
Favorite controller: Keyboard/Mouse
In game-> music on or off: On, sometimes other MP3s.
Favorite all time game: Baldur's Gate series.
Favorite PC game: Baldur's Gate series.
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: N/A.
Favorite SNES/Sega game: N/A
Favorite handheld game: N/A
Favorite RPG: Baldur's Gate series.
Favorite FPS: Soldier of FOrtune II
Guilty pleasure: Eh?
Desert island top 5 picks: Civilization III, Age of Empires III, Myst series, Baldur's Gate series, Fallout series.
Favorite game soundtrack: Can't think of one.
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Robert Hitz, River of Life
Favorite game company: Bioware.
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Minesweeper
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Age of Empires. Fallout.
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Not that I remember. Probably.
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS2, XBOX, PSP, GBASP, GB, GG (Game Gear), NES
Favorite era in gaming: Doom on 3.5inch floppy
Favorite gaming console: Xbox
Favorite controller: Xbox Controller S
In game-> music on or off: On
Favorite all time game: Excite Bike
Favorite PC game: Starcraft
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game:DDR/Halo/Double Dash
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Super Mario 3
Favorite handheld game: Zelda
Favorite RPG: Baldur's Gate
Favorite FPS: Halo
Guilty pleasure: Diablo 2
Game you will always defend: Halo
Desert island top 5 picks: Halo, Diablo 2, Quake 3, Fuzion Frenzy, Mario Kart
Favorite game soundtrack: Halo
(off topic)Favorite album right now: T.I. - Urban Legend
Favorite game company: Bungie
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Minesweeper
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Starcraft
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: All the time.
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS2, XBOX, DC, Atari Jaguar,SNES
Favorite era in gaming:Quake 3 era
Favorite gaming console: PC / Ps2
Favorite controller: PS2
In game-> music on or off: On
Favorite all time game: Half-life
Favorite PC game: World of Warcraft
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: Gran turismo 4/?/Resident evil 4
Favorite SNES/Sega game:pilotwings/ Sonic the hengehog 2
Favorite handheld game: Golden sun
Favorite RPG: WoW
Favorite FPS: HL2/CS
Guilty pleasure: Jumping flash
Game you will always defend: Half-life 2
Desert island top 5 picks: WoW, Unreal tourney 2004, Metroid Prime, mortal kombat deception, HL2
Favorite game soundtrack: GTA; Vice city
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Mindless self indulgence : you'll rebell to anything
Favorite game company: Id software
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Minesweeper
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Quake, Half Life, unreal tournement, gran turismo
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Yes my mom
Age: 26, today
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, Xbox, Atari Lynx
Favorite era in gaming: Current
Favorite gaming console: PC/Xbox it is a tie.
Favorite controller: Xbox Duke
In game-> music on or off: ON
Favorite all time game: Bubble Bobble
Favorite PC game: CS:S
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: NCAA Football 2005
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Altered Beast
Favorite handheld game: California Games-Atari Lynx
Favorite RPG: NONE, I hate them.
Favorite FPS: CS:S
Guilty pleasure: Yahoo Pool, I can't stop playing it.
Game you will always defend: Bubble Bobble
Desert island top 5 picks: CS:S, Bubble Bobble, California Games, Age of Empires 2 w/expansions, The Longest Journey.
Favorite game soundtrack: ICO
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Rachel Proctor-"Where I Belong"
Favorite game company: The Adventure Company
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Soilitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Is one game a franchise? If so, Crimson Skies for Xbox. If not, AOE III.
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Yes, almost on a weekly basis.
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Gaming Consoles: PC, SNES and probably PS2 soon
Favorite Gaming Era: SNES
Favorite Gaming Consoles: Playstation
Favorite Gaming controller: Gamecube
In game music: On
Favorite All time Game: Star Fox
Favorite PC Game: X-Wing
Favorite Console game: Resident Evil
Favorite SNES/Genesis game: StarFox / Mortal Kombat 2
Favorite Handheld: Pokemon Blue
Favorite RPG: Final Fantasy 8
Favorite FPS: Half Life
Guilty Pleasure: Freespace 2 still gets me excited
Game you will always defend: Star Fox
Desert Island Top picks: HL2 Deathmatch, Star Fox, Unreal Tournament, BF1942, StarCraft, Jedi Knight II Dark Forces
Favorite game soundtrack: Castlevania, Symphony of the Night
Favorite Game company: Capcom
Minesweeper or Solitare: Neither
New game franchise release: StarCraft 2
Told play to much: Yeah, whats it to you?
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS1, PS2, Xbox broken.
Favorite era in gaming: Pre Halo 2, when Halo was what everyone was playing.
Favorite gaming console: Xbox/PC
Favorite controller: Xbox Controller S
In game-> music on or off: On
Favorite all time game: Halo
Favorite PC game: CS:S
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: Halo
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Super Mario
Favorite handheld game: THPS 3 (only one I've played)
Favorite RPG: Don't like RPG's
Favorite FPS: Halo
Guilty pleasure: Halo for PC
Game you will always defend: Halo
Desert island top 5 picks: Halo, CS:S, Fusion Frenzy, NFSU 1/2, Madden
Favorite game soundtrack: BF:V
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Tool - Lateralus
Favorite game company: Bungie
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Solitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Bungie
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Once a month.
Age: 13
Sex: male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, gba,xbox(previously owned ps1 and gamecube. ps1 broke gamecube sucked)
Favorite era in gaming: id have to say either this generation,or n64(i started playing games last gen)
Favorite gaming console: PC(xbox got to outdated no good games being released anymore).
Favorite controller: xbox s controller
In game-> music on or off: dont care
Favorite all time game: golden eye,conkers bad fur day,halo series,cs all to good to pick
Favorite PC game: halflife2(cs:s)
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game:ah halo2
Favorite SNES/Sega game: um havent played much in this gen
Favorite handheld game: uh advanced wars
Favorite RPG: morrowind bitch
Favorite FPS: halo2
Guilty pleasure:uh
Game you will always defend: all listed favorites
Favorite game soundtrack: tony hawk series.
(off topic)Favorite album right now: um crunk juice
Favorite game company: anyone who makes a game i like
Minesweeper or Solitaire: minesweeper
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: conkers remake,halo series,and elder scrolls series
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: nope
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS, PS2, GB, SNES
Favorite era in gaming: SNES
Favorite gaming console: PC.
Favorite controller: mouse
In game-> music on or off: Depends. If I'm playing through a single player game, music is off. If I'm playing MP and playing serious, music is off. Not serious MP -> music on
Favorite all time game: FF6 :D
Favorite PC game: HL2
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: Hmm, I don't play many new gen games, so I'll go with FF10
Favorite SNES/Sega game: That one Looney Tunes basketball game owned when I was 4
Favorite handheld game: Pokemon
Favorite RPG: FF6
Favorite FPS: Single Player: HL2, Multiplayer: Quake3
Guilty pleasure: My FF collection :)
Game you will always defend: FF6
Desert island top 5 picks: HL2, FF6, FF10, Soul Calibur, dont know
Favorite game soundtrack: FF8

Favorite album right now: I've been listening to Aphex Twin constantly lately. More specifically, I Care Because You Do, Richard D. James Album, and Drukqs.
Favorite game company: Whoever delivers.
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Soilitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: HL3, Q4, SC2
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Yes :)
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC
Favorite era in gaming: Sega Genisis
Favorite gaming console: PC
Favorite controller: PS2 controller
In game-> music on or off: On
Favorite all time game: Half-Life
Favorite PC game: WoW
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: Halo
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Mortal Combat
Favorite handheld game: Tetris
Favorite RPG: WoW
Favorite FPS: Half-Life 2
Guilty pleasure: WoW
Game you will always defend: WoW
Desert island top 5 picks: Rome Total War, Madden Series, WarCraft 3, Half-life 2, BF:2
Favorite game soundtrack: Battle for Middle Earth
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Good Charlotte: Chronicles of Life and Death
Favorite game company: Blizzard
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Solitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: BioWare
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: One every 2 weeks
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, Xbox, Gamecube, Nintendo DS, Cell Phone.
Favorite era in gaming: When Sonic was new...ahh, Sonic...when games started getting 3D as well
Favorite gaming console: Xbox
Favorite controller: XB controller S
In game-> music on or off: On
Favorite all time game: Sonic 3 & Knuckles lock on
Favorite PC game: Command and Conquer series
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: PS2-Gran Turismo, Xbox-Halo series, GC-Resident Evil4
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Sonic 3 & Knuckles lock on
Favorite handheld game: Super Mario DS
Favorite RPG: Final Fantasy VIII.....hands freakin down!
Favorite FPS: Halo series
Guilty pleasure: my neatness....
Game you will always defend: SONIC BEEYOTCH!
Desert island top 5 picks: Sonic, Rallisport Challenge 2, Command & Conquer, Resident Evil 4, Halo
Favorite game soundtrack: The little tune that plays on the Halo 2 main menu...not the actual Halo theme, but a sort of chorus that plays...
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Blink 182-Blink 182
Favorite game company: Capcom
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Neither
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Halo and Resident Evil
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Yes
Age: 39
Sex: after 18 years of marriage, it just gets better.
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PCs (several), Atari 2600 (old skool baby)
Favorite era in gaming: When the "computer game" was coming into it's own - there were no genres, no game types, No one knew what an FPS was, text was king, and RPGs were played with paper, pencils and dice. Although every new generation of PC game gets my blood pumping to see how well the AI has improved, how much better the graphics get, improved game play, and so on.
Favorite gaming console: PC (not really a console tho is it...)
Favorite controller: 5 button MS Mouse
In game-> music on or off: I usually use ingame music when the game is new, after than I end up turning the sound off and listening to what every I'm in the mood for, sound off means not game sounds at all (footsteps in CS are for panzies... hehe).
Favorite all time game: Honestly? AD&D before WofC bought them out, first edition manuals rule.
Favorite PC game: Unreal Series, Half Life (many mods for both) Sid Meier's Alpha Centari, and the Wizardry Series (Apple ][ days).
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: all crap
Favorite SNES/Sega game: all of them, crap
Favorite handheld game: Mattel Electonic Football (1979)
Favorite RPG: Tie between the Baulders Gate and the Neverwinter Series
Favorite FPS: Half-Life and Unreal Tournament
Guilty pleasure: Silent Storm and Soldiers-Heros of WW2
Game you will always defend: Alpha Centari - the AI was wicked and the tech tree is superior to anything ever put out, sure it's turn based, but who cares.
Desert island top 5 picks: Box of Cheap Ass Games, UT series, HL series, Neverwinter Series, and a bunch of d20 game manuals with an unlimted supply of paper (this all assumes that I'm not alone on said Island, what's the point of gaming alone?).
Favorite game soundtrack: Bards Tale (old C-64 game)
(off topic)Favorite album right now: 40 years of the Allman Brothers (massive amoutns of music)
Favorite game company: Too many to list - it's the publishers that make me sick.
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Minesweeper
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Unreal Anything, Battlefield, WarHammer, HalfLife, and.. um others
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many games?: Yah, and them I got them addicted to gaming too... :D

You are a hard core Geek Gamer Guru that willingly shares gaming knowledge of all kind. You promote gaming in general and really feel that gamers have gotten a bad rap from the general public and yet continue to make a difference in this world.

somecallmeTim said:
Age: 39
Sex: after 18 years of marriage, it just gets better.
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PCs (several), Atari 2600 (old skool baby)
Favorite era in gaming: When the "computer game" was coming into it's own - there were no genres, no game types, No one knew what an FPS was, text was king, and RPGs were played with paper, pencils and dice. Although every new generation of PC game gets my blood pumping to see how well the AI has improved, how much better the graphics get, improved game play, and so on.
Favorite gaming console: PC (not really a console tho is it...)
Favorite controller: 5 button MS Mouse
In game-> music on or off: I usually use ingame music when the game is new, after than I end up turning the sound off and listening to what every I'm in the mood for, sound off means not game sounds at all (footsteps in CS are for panzies... hehe).
Favorite all time game: Honestly? AD&D before WofC bought them out, first edition manuals rule.
Favorite PC game: Unreal Series, Half Life (many mods for both) Sid Meier's Alpha Centari, and the Wizardry Series (Apple ][ days).
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: all crap
Favorite SNES/Sega game: all of them, crap
Favorite handheld game: Mattel Electonic Football (1979)
Favorite RPG: Tie between the Baulders Gate and the Neverwinter Series
Favorite FPS: Half-Life and Unreal Tournament
Guilty pleasure: Silent Storm and Soldiers-Heros of WW2
Game you will always defend: Alpha Centari - the AI was wicked and the tech tree is superior to anything ever put out, sure it's turn based, but who cares.
Desert island top 5 picks: Box of Cheap Ass Games, UT series, HL series, Neverwinter Series, and a bunch of d20 game manuals with an unlimted supply of paper (this all assumes that I'm not alone on said Island, what's the point of gaming alone?).
Favorite game soundtrack: Bards Tale (old C-64 game)
(off topic)Favorite album right now: 40 years of the Allman Brothers (massive amoutns of music)
Favorite game company: Too many to list - it's the publishers that make me sick.
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Minesweeper
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Unreal Anything, Battlefield, WarHammer, HalfLife, and.. um others
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many games?: Yah, and them I got them addicted to gaming too... :D

You are a hard core Geek Gamer Guru that willingly shares gaming knowledge of all kind. You promote gaming in general and really feel that gamers have gotten a bad rap from the general public and yet continue to make a difference in this world.


You, sir, are truly [H]ard|Core... :)
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, Xbox, PS2, Gamecube, PS, Dreamcast, n64, snes, nes, gameboy, genesis, gameboy advance
Favorite era in gaming: snes
Favorite gaming console: snes
Favorite controller: PS2 controller
In game-> music on or off: On
Favorite all time game: legend of zelda, a link to the past
Favorite PC game: starcraft
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: resident evil 4
Favorite SNES/Sega game: legend of zelda, link to the past
Favorite handheld game: kirbys dream land
Favorite RPG: final fantasy 7
Favorite FPS: Half-Life 2
Guilty pleasure: kirbys dream land
Game you will always defend: micro machines for nes
Desert island top 5 picks: half life 2, diablo 2, zelda: lttp, super mario bros 3, counter strike
Favorite game soundtrack: final fantasy 7
Favorite game company: blizzard
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Solitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: zelda
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: probably
Age: 43
Sex: Every chance I get with the wifey
Gaming consoles/devices you own: What's a gaming console?? Real men PC Game only!!
Favorite era in gaming: The here and now
Favorite gaming console: PC.
Favorite controller: Keyboard/Logitech MX510
In game-> music on or off: On
Favorite all time game: Far Cry - nothing else close.
Favorite PC game: Far Cry. Waiting on Far Cry 2
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: None
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Super Punchout
Favorite handheld game: My Dick
Favorite RPG: Zelda series
Favorite FPS: Far Cry
Guilty pleasure: That's for me to know. ;)
Game you will always defend: MOH
Desert island top 5 picks: Far Cry, Beer, Babes, Food and Friends
Favorite game soundtrack: None really - Need some kick-ass Southern Rock!
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Anything Ozzy
Favorite game company: Ubisoft right now
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Soilitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Far Cry 2 and Call of Duty 2
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Wifey tells me this at least once a week. :eek:
Age: 32
Sex: M
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PC oldschool (Pentium 120 for playing vintage games), PS2, Virtual Boy, GBA SP, SNES, Nintendo, N64, GC, Dreamcast, Atari 2600, Atari 7200, Intellivision, Gameboy DS, PSP, PSX,
Favorite era in gaming: Golden-age of adventure games (King's Quest, Monkey Island, Space Quest, etc...).
Favorite gaming console: PC.
Favorite controller: Nostromo 52
In game-> music on or off: On, though I usually import my own MP3's into games now.
Favorite all time game: Planescape:torment
Favorite PC game: Multiplayer - WoW, Singleplayer - HL2
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: Xenosaga/None/LOZ:Windwaker
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Supermario 3/Phantasy Star 3
Favorite handheld game: harvest moon
Favorite RPG: Final Fantasy series 1-7, 9.
Favorite FPS: Quake 2
Guilty pleasure: DDR on PS2 - actually own 2 customized metal pads, but they helped me drop 60 pounds :)
Game you will always defend: Any that gets bad press for "causing" kids to do bad things
Desert island top 5 picks: WoW, Sims 2, Planescape:Torment, NWN, Ridge Racer 5 - though if you have an internet connection for WoW, why are you still on the island?
Favorite game soundtrack: Grim Fandango, Vampire TM:bloodlines
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Third Day:Wire, Godsmack:The other side
Favorite game company: Black Isle (/weep).
Minesweeper or Solitaire: minesweeper
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Final Fantasy.
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games? Have you been talking to my wife?
Age: 29
Sex: only with my wife
Gaming consoles/devices you own: Xbox, gamecube , Dreamcast (2) , NES, Sega Master System, Nomad , Saturn , 3d0 , 2 pcs built with games in mind
Favorite era in gaming: Dreamcast launch, that was too much fun
Favorite gaming console: Dreamcast
Favorite controller: mouse/keyboard
In game-> music on or off: depends on the game
Favorite all time game: Super Mario kart.
Favorite PC game: Counter Strike Source
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game:Burnout 2/Mario Kart Double Dash
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Super Mario Kart
Favorite handheld game: Mario Kart Advance
Favorite RPG: Phantasy Star for SMS biatch!
Favorite FPS: HL2
Guilty pleasure: Marijuana
Game you will always defend: Chu Chu Rocket, i don't care if its pastel mice and cats, the gameplay fucking OWNS!
Desert island top 5 picks: Super Mario Kart, CSS, Soul Calibur, Rush 2049 (DC) , Chu Chu rocket (you can make your own puzzle maps)
Favorite game soundtrack: My custom soundtrack for burnout 2
(off topic)Favorite album right now: original bodycount or maybe nirvana in utero
Favorite game company: Sega of America, they innovate and it costs them their profitability, my most hated game company is EA. UP yours EA!
Minesweeper or Solitaire:people play those stupid games?
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Mario Kart , next gen burnout
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?:Who hasn't? My answer to them "I regect your definition of "success" in modern life!"
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS2
Favorite era in gaming: N64 era.....most addicting then. Though the games right now are getting really good
Favorite gaming console: PC.
Favorite controller: PS2 dual shock.....but I honestly have no preference these days.
In game-> music on or off: Music usually on.
Favorite all time game: Half life.....I was sad when I beat it.
Favorite PC game: Unreal Tournament 2k4
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: Gran Turismo 3
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Super Mario's RPG and the legend of the Seven Stars
Favorite handheld game: none
Favorite RPG: Super Mario's RPG and the legend of the Seven Stars
Favorite FPS: Unreal Tournament 2004
Guilty pleasure: World of Warcraft and The Sims. All my friends think I'm a FPS nut, but really, I also love WoW and The Sims.
Game you will always defend: Unreal 2004.....It may not have been a super new idea. but jeeze, it was fun.
Desert island top 5 picks: Half-life, Half-life 2, Syphon Filter, Super Marios RPG, WoW
Favorite game soundtrack: Unreal Tournament 2004
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Fate of the Norns-Amon Amarth
Favorite game company: ID
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Soilitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Unreal franchise. I get way too excited about these.
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Yes.
Age: 36
Sex: Maile
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS2, XBOX
Favorite era in gaming: Castle Wolfenstien, Doom
Favorite gaming console: PC.
Favorite controller: Keyboard and mouse
In game-> music on or off: off
Favorite all time game: Castle Wolfenstein,
Favorite PC game: HL2
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: Xbox: Guy Game lol
Favorite SNES/Sega game: None
Favorite handheld game: some old football game around circa 1980
Favorite RPG: baldurs gate
Favorite FPS: HL1
Guilty pleasure: Pattaya, Thailand oops different type of RPG
Game you will always defend:DNF!
Desert island top 5 picks: SWG, EQ2
Favorite game soundtrack: Any Tony Hawk skating game
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Slipknot- Subliminal Verses
Favorite game company: Valve
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Soilitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Valve
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: oh yes
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, Xbox, Gamecube
Favorite era in gaming: Either the Duke 3d or original UT days (so many friendly players)
Favorite gaming console: Xbox currently (used to be Sega genesis or N64)
Favorite controller: Dreamcast/Xbox S
In game-> music on or off: On
Favorite all time game: Starcraft
Favorite PC game: Any flavor of Quake
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game:Halo 2/ Resident evil remake
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Metroid 3/ Toejam & Earl
Favorite handheld game: Tetris (is there any other?) :p
Favorite RPG: Any flavor of Diablo or Baldurs gate
Favorite FPS: Battlefield Series
Guilty pleasure: Everquest 2/the sweet leaf ;)
Game you will always defend: Doom 3
Desert island top 5 picks: Starcraft, Diablo 2, Any of the quakes, Any of the UT's, Halo2
Favorite game soundtrack: Quake 2 (got me into hard rock/metal)
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Iron Maiden - Brave new world
Favorite game company: ID software
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Minesweeper
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Quake, Half Life, Duke Nukem
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Yes, but not so much anymore. :p
Age: 36
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: pc, xbox, gba
Favorite era in gaming:sega w/the 64 add on
Favorite gaming console: pc
Favorite controller: mouse and keyboard, it just feels right
In game-> music on or off: on but low
Favorite all time game: hl series
Favorite PC game: hl2
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: halo or crimson skys
Favorite SNES/Sega game: bugs
Favorite handheld game: zelda
Favorite RPG: sacred or morrowind, depends on how in depth i want to get
Favorite FPS: hl2
Guilty pleasure: spider solitaire
Game you will always defend: i dont feel the need to defend any game, robotron
Desert island top 5 picks: hl2(fun), morrowind(looong), spore(if its as good as it should be),
ut'04(just plain fast and fun), & sim2(once again, looong)
Favorite game soundtrack: none
(off topic)Favorite album right now: william shatner: has been, van morrison w/ georgie fame
how long has this been going on (great jazz album)
Favorite game company: valve (thank you for steam. as i duck the haters)
Minesweeper or Solitaire: solitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: quake, and hl
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: f*** them
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS2, Turbo Grafx 16, Atari 2600
Favorite era in gaming: The SNES through Playstation days. The PC's heyday around 1998 was a riot too.
Favorite gaming console: PS2
Favorite controller: KB/mouse
In game-> music on or off: If it's good and not repetitive it's always on.
Favorite all time game: Battlefield 1942
Favorite PC game: Battlefield 1942
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: Gran Turismo 4
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Stunt Race FX
Favorite handheld game: Wario World
Favorite RPG: Deus Ex
Favorite FPS: Battlefield 1942
Guilty pleasure: Being a one man Blitzkrieg in the Forgotten Hope mod for Battlefield 1942
Game you will always defend: Sin
Desert island top 5 picks: Battlefield 1942, Starcraft, Gran Turismo 4, Unreal Tournament, Tetris
Favorite game soundtrack: Can't pick just one
Favorite album right now: Megadeth - Youthanasia
Favorite game company: Defunct
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Neither
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Battlefield, Starcraft, Gran Turismo, Resident Evil.
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Not since I've been living on my own.
Age: 20(almost)
Sex: Hellz yes(male)
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS2
Favorite era in gaming: NES era
Favorite gaming console: PC
Favorite controller: N64
In game-> music on or off: Depends on the game.
Favorite all time game: Metriod
Favorite PC game: Right now, HL2/CS:S/DC
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: FFX
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Sonic
Favorite handheld game: Any Zelda or Metriod
Favorite RPG: WoW
Favorite FPS: Goldeneye/HL2
Guilty pleasure: Her name is Mary J.
Game you will always defend: HL2
Desert island top 5 picks: CS, Metriod, Mario, Doom, Mega Man
Favorite game soundtrack: Morrowind
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Way Out West
Favorite game company: id
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Minesweeper
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: ummm...
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: All the Time
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS, GC, N64, SNES, NES, GB, GBC, GBA.
Favorite era in gaming: N64 era, SSB, goldeneye, perfect dark, a good 4 years of my life.
Favorite gaming console: PC.
Favorite controller: Mouse+keyboard
In game-> music on or off: Generally off on PC games
Favorite all time game: Advanced Wars.
Favorite PC game: Rome Total War.
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: Super Smash Bros. Melee.
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Chrono Trigger
Favorite handheld game: Advanced Wars.
Favorite RPG: Chrono Trigger.
Favorite FPS: UT2004
Guilty pleasure: Gotta be the pokemon games :p.
Favorite game soundtrack: Super smash melee great tracks.
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Breaking Benjamin (think the album is "So Cold")
Favorite game company: Nintendo.
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Minesweeper
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: ZELDA!!!.
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Many times a week.
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS2, N64, SNES, GBA
Favorite era in gaming: The N64 - 3d racing and sports, analog controls
Favorite gaming console: PS2
Favorite controller: PS2 Dualshock - Probably the most natural-feeling controller around
In game-> music on or off: On, if it's good music.
Favorite all time game: Perfect Dark. There REALLY needs to be a PC sequel...
Favorite PC game: Unreal Tournament 2004
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: GTA: San Andreas
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Earthbound - SNES - never played it for more than a few days, but it was fantastic
Favorite handheld game: Advance Wars - GBA
Favorite RPG: Super Mario RPG
Favorite FPS: Unreal Tournament 2004/Perfect Dark (if PD had an up to date version... :drools:)
Guilty pleasure: Mario Party (any one), Gunbound
Game you will always defend: The Unreal Tournament series. In my eyes, Epic can do no wrong, and I will support their next venture (in the series, that is - not sure if they do anythign else anymore) regardless.
Desert island top 5 picks: Well, if I can somehow have various consoles and equipment, then Perfect Dark, some version of Mario Party, and the latest installments of UT, GTA, and Madden (I'm not the biggest Madden fan, but if I'm stranded, then I'll definitely play a few seasons.)
Favorite game soundtrack: GTA: Vice City and GTA: San Andreas, both are amazing
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Saliva - Survival of the Sickest or NIN - With Teeth
Favorite game company: Epic. See above. I also enjoy Rockstar's products, and THQ for making the WWE games that you all love but won't admit it.
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Minesweeper
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Unreal Tournament
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Most likey, but probably not recently.
Age: 18
Sex: male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, Neo Geo Pocket Color, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, Gamecube, Xbox, PS2, and my brother owns the DS and PSP. I had an NES but I lost it... Hopefully someday I can buy a Virtualboy.
Favorite era in gaming: The MK2 w/ SNES era. :cool:
Favorite gaming console: SNES.
Favorite controller: PS2's is the best for general gaming but the Gamecube's is the most comfortable.
In game-> music on or off: On, unless I'm playing THPS.
Favorite all time game: Conker's Bad Fur Day.
Favorite PC game: Uh FarCry I guess.
Favorite SNES/Sega game: Chrono Trigger probably.
Favorite handheld game: Metal Slug, the old Wario games, there are too many good ones to make a choice.
Favorite RPG: Chrono Trigger.
Favorite FPS: Halo or Metroid Prime? I don't play much FPSs.
Guilty pleasure: LOL Pokemon!
Game you will always defend: Pokemon again lol it's awesome and you know it.
Favorite game soundtrack: Very tough choice. The first thing that comes to my mind would be Chrono Trigger.
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Hardwired by Scott Brown and also Americana from The Offspring.
Favorite game company: Nintendo.
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Soilitaire.
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: All Nintendo titles.
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Yeah a lot but then what the hell are they doing with their lives that's so great? All they do is watch American Idol wow man that's cool.
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS2, GBA
Favorite era in gaming: N64/PS1 era. The one I knew the most about, and had the most fun with.
Favorite gaming console: PC
Favorite controller: Big XBox
In game-> music on or off: Depends on the quality of the music.
Favorite all time game: Either Super Mario RPG or Mega Man X1
Favorite PC game: Anarchy Online
Favorite PS2/Xbox/GC game: Wind Waker
Favorite SNES/Sega game: See favorite all-time game.
Favorite handheld game: See guilty pleasure.
Favorite RPG: Super Mario RPG
Favorite FPS: Goldeneye.
Guilty pleasure: Pokemon, sadly.
Game you will always defend: Pokemon. Ask and I shall defend :p
Desert island top 5 picks: Anarchy Online, Decent PC, electriciy, T1, a boat
Favorite game soundtrack: Mega Man X1
(off topic)Favorite album right now: Uhhh....Thrice-Artist in the Ambulance
Favorite game company: Capcom
Minesweeper or Solitaire: Soilitaire
Game franchise that you anticipate new releases for: Any Mega Man not named Battle Network. Nintendo exclusives.
Has anyone ever told you that you seriously play too many video games?: Too many? No. Too often? Yes.