Gaming on a TV


Jun 19, 2005
I was just asked to build a computer for my neighbor who wants to use their computer on a 60" Projection TV. Now, I know a lot about computers, but I have never built one to be used on a TV rather than a monitor, so i was wondering what extra equipment i would need in order to do this. The TV supports DTV SDTV signals - 480i, 480p, as well as HDTV 1080i, so a connection using those or at least RGB component cables would be good as a regular signal on that big of a screen would terrible, unless im mistaken. So basically, what extra components, i.e. cables, HD reciever boxes, a special type of video card... would i need to make this work.
also, this computer is going to be set up permanently with the TV so extras to make it work with a normal monitor as well aren't needed.

if you need to know any more information about the TV, i was able to bring the manual home so i have it to refer to
A lot of LCD projectors have VGA input. In which case all you need is a lengthy VGA cable. Otherwise, just grab a card that you can use a component out and hook it up that way. I have used my computer on a friend's projector numerous times, simply with an RCA out, and the result is pretty nice. Can't go higher than 640, but with component out (In progressive modes), or VGA you could probably get much better results.

All I have is a PNY 6800nu AGP. I don't see any reason you can't use any modern nVidia card that sports an s-video like video out. Most will even come with apropriate spliters, so you only need male/male Component cable.

Again, check if there is VGA input on the projector first. If not, settle for component. Inputs on the projector should be more of an issue than the hardware itself.
Well, your response helped either way, but you misread what i said. its a 'Projection Television' not a Projector. But thanks for your answer, i think i have it figured out now.