gaim ICQ spam


[H]F Junkie
Jul 11, 2001
I used to actually run up to 5 different messenger apps but have since started to just use Gaim. Right now with Gaim I connect to AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, and Google Talk at the same time.

I used to have issues with getting spam over ICQ a while ago, but I just enabled the option to only allow users on my contact list to contact me. In order to get on my contact list they have to send an authorization request which I have to authorize.

But since I’ve been using ICQ over Gaim, a few weird things have been happening.

First, I get multiple authorization requests, like one every few minutes from the same person. I click deny and they just send another authorization request… I seem to remember with ICQ only having to deny once.

Second, sometimes their messages seem to get through even if I deny their authorization request, though I have never gotten any spam from this, the message usually just says “hi”. I might even think it’s legit but if I look up the profile on each one they are all age 16-19 girls with some funky foreign address, obviously fake.

When I try to block their name, it gives me the error: “Could not add the buddy for an unknown reason. The most common reason for this is that you have the maximum number of allowed buddies in your buddy list.” But I cleaned out my list of old contacts and still get the error.

This is really annoying. Even though I don’t really use ICQ on a daily basis, I still have a lot of contacts from 1999-2001 that are only on that list and I really hate the idea of changing the way I do stuff just to accommodate the fucking spammers. Does anyone know of any possible solution which might fix this, or even shed some light on exactly what is going on?