FX5900 XT issues


May 6, 2005
I recently purchased a BFG GeForce FX5900 XT OC, but it's giving me some trouble. As long as I stay in Windows, it'll run all day and night, but I can't play a game for more than 5 minutes without a crash. When I say crash, I mean I lose video and audio instantly. The computer is still on, though.

In an effort to correct this, I tried installing the latest version of direct X and nvidia's driver's from their website. When this didn't work,. I thought that maybe it was getting too hot. The fan it came with was working, but it looked wimpy, so I replaced it with this . Unfortunately, the results are the same.

Has anybody else suffered this sort of problem? If you have a solution, you'd really be helping me out. I'd hate to send it back.

Motherboard: Asus K8N-E Deluxe
BIOS Version: 2.54
Processor: AMD64 3400+ Newcastle
System RAM: Kingston PC3200 (1 GB)
Operating Sytem: Windows XP Home Edition SP2

My previous video card was a GeForce 4200 Ti. I still have it, and I'm about ready to plug it back in. :rolleyes:
Did you build a new PC or upgrade to the 5900XT?

Do a search for 'Driver Cleaner', you should find it at Guru3D. If that doesn't work, RMA that sucker.

I loved mine. It always worked flawlessly, and I played both HL2 and D3 through with mine - before I upgraded to 6800GT just 3-4 months ago.
Thanks, Numblock. I'll try that when I get home from work. This is not a new PC, I'm only upgrading the video card. I've had the 4200 since it came out and it has served me well, but I felt it was time to retire the 'ol girl.

I contacted BFG and described the problem to them as well. It's their opinion that my power supply is not sufficient. I currently have a 400W PSU. I'll try the driver cleaner, and also unplug anything non-essential, just to see if the load really is too much. The snazzy lights, and extra drives don't need to be there to play a game.

Got my eye on this.
Make sure that the power dongle that you have connected to the card has nothing else (except maybe a fan) drawing power from it. I have a Gainward 5900xt in one of my secondary systems and it is still a great card. It runs all the latest games with no problems. And its a great overclocker.
should've gotten a 6600gt instead, or the 129 bucks 9800pro @ newegg :)
Well, I haven't been able to fix the problem, so I'll attempt to get an RMA from the vendor and send it back. I just got an email asking me to rate the vendor... I think that'll depend on whether or not there's a hassle in the return process. ;)

Now I did notice something. I tried running it with a bigger power supply as BFG recommended, but this time I ran it with the case open, and I just watched it. I don't know how hot it was getting, but it got to a point that I could smell it, and it shut down immediately. :eek: I didn't realize it was burning up like that, but this is the same pattern it had when the original fan and heat sinks were attached. The new cooling unit didn't make a change.

I tried underclocking just to see what would happen, and there was no change. Man, what a pain.

As for my choice in a video card, I didn't want to spend a lot of money. I got the 5900 for $125 and that seemed like a good deal. However, I'm going to take a look at that Radeon from newegg that everybody keeps talking about. I wouldn't mind paying $130 and maybe a little extra if it also needs a new fan.

Thanks for the help, everybody.