Funky fedex tracking, going the same place twice?


Aug 3, 2004
Sorry for the funky colors, but this is goofy as hell.

I ordered some stuff (7800) from newegg on thursday night, it shipped out Friday, and then once it gets to Seattle (should only take 1 business day once it reaches the city I live in) stuff gets very weird.

Estimated delivery is the 16th, however, I check yesterday and it says my package is in Seattle (my home), so I figure it must show up monday (today). However, today the package did the exact same thing as yesterday, moved to the same places. From destination/sort Seattle, to local fedex facility, then local fedex facility again, and then back to destination/sort Seattle?

What the heck is my package doing? Can I hope to see it tomorrow? Is it possible this is a glitch? Certainly my attitude is partially "It'll get here when it gets here", but I've never experienced this before.

I'm sure I didn't miss a delivery either.

Sorry if this is the wrong forum, but I couldn't think of the "right one".
Looks fairly normal, but maybe it got mis-sorted the first time or something, or since it's not slated for delivery until the 14th, its simply bouncing around since its in no hurry. The latest four in Seattle is just telling you it's at the sort facility that will stick it on the local delivery guys truck.
tdg said:
Looks fairly normal, but maybe it got mis-sorted the first time or something, or since it's not slated for delivery until the 14th, its simply bouncing around since its in no hurry. The latest four in Seattle is just telling you it's at the sort facility that will stick it on the local delivery guys truck.
but then why did it bounce around from the sort facility, and then back to the sort facility? Surely they won't just keep bouncing it until Wednesday? I've gotten packages early before.

I'll be a little miffed if the package does the same thing tonight.
ive never really trusted that. For me, it wont tell me that its shipped till 3 days after it really has and no more info till i actually get it in my hands. :(
There might be more than one FedEx place in Seattle. Seattle's pretty big, so maybe they transferred it from the main distribution center to a more local one and then it's going out to you, but since both centers are in Seattle, it just LOOKS like it went to the same place twice. Or it could be stuck in an infinite loop. But that would just suck, now wouldn't it?
I've had the same thing happen and I got the package just fine. Don't worry about it.
i am having the same problem wiht my fedex package from newegg.

I ordered it sunday, it should get here thruday, but it ALWAYS comes a day early, so i check today, becuase usually it is in my local area the day before, nope :

Sep 13, 2005 7:42 AM

Departed FedEx location


Sep 12, 2005 6:13 AM

Package data transmitted to FedEx

Sep 11, 2005 1:29 PM

Left origin


11:17 AM

Picked up


I dont understand how the shipping information was transmitted to fedex after the package was picked up.
Just look at the estimated date of arrival. I've had Fed Ex tell me my package was in Houston when the product wasn't here. Other times it says it's in Fort Worth when I'm holding it in my hands. Generally the ETA is right on.