FTP client that mirrors directories


[H]F Junkie
Mar 22, 2001
I'm looking for a FTP client that can connect to a ftp site and mirror what is currently in the directory. I currently connect to McAfee's site several times a week to download their dats and keep a local copy for all my clients to connect to. This is done to save some bandwidth on our lowly T1 connect, and allow updates to the ~30 or so users that have their Internet access disabled.

I currently have to connect and download the dats, which I do when I think about it, usually 3-4 times a week. I then have to delete the outdated files. What I'd like is a program that would automatically do this for me, once or twice a day. The remote site always touches(the timestamp), so comparision would have to be done by filename only, which is good enough.

Is there something free that can do this? I'd rather it run under windows 2k/xp, but I can also config a Linux box I have to do this if it's going to be easier.
Sounds like such a task would be quite trivial with a small shell script put in a cron job. Just have the script connect to the ftp server, compare timestamps, and dowload if newer. Run script in a cron job every day or however often you'd like.
updating mcafee files manually on 30 computers??

why not get the Mcafee Virus management server (EPO) and have it do the DAT downloads automatically. Also pushes dats and client updates for virus app to the users?

Two birds one stone ;)
figgie said:
updating mcafee files manually on 30 computers??

why not get the Mcafee Virus management server (EPO) and have it do the DAT downloads automatically. Also pushes dats and client updates for virus app to the users?

Two birds one stone ;)

I don't manually update those machines. I have the update path set as a UNC path and it grabs them daily from one of our servers, instead of McAfee's ftp site.

We are using Vscan 8.0i, and I seem to remember them claiming EPO wouldn't work with it, and we would have to pay more in order to use it. I'll check on it today and see.