FS: Laptop HDD, Laptop DVD/CDRW, Barton System, Radeon 9000


Limp Gawd
Oct 15, 2001
Prices do not include shipping and I do not want to trade anything unless you have a laptop (and it'd have to be full trade, I have no money :-p)

20 gb Laptop HDD 5400rpm:
Pulled from Presario 700z

Laptop DVD/CDRW Combo:
Toshiba SD-R2002 pulled from Presario 700z

Barton System:
Mobo: Asus A7n8x-e (onboard audio, 1gb ethernet, usb 2.0)
Proc: Barton 2600+
Memory: 512mb pc3200 ddr
HDD: 80gb 7200rpm 8mb cache barracuda
Video: GeForce3 Ti200
CDrw: 24x10x40x
DVD: 16x Slot Load Pioneer

Radeon 9000 Pro:
64mb AGP video card

Leather Laptop Bag:
Really nice bag, has 2 sides to hold 2 laptops, a pocket section for manuals and a arm handle and one to carry by hand

Email: [email protected]
Heatware: http://www.heatware.com/eval.php?id=779
Hey, Sontek I sent you a pm and a email concerning the Barton System. I think I sent both around Friday or Saturday. My friend, who showed me your post, said it might be too late to buy the system but I try to be optimisitic about such things. Anywho I thought maybe you have subsricbed to threads you created and decided to post a reply here, in hopes of getting any info on the system. If you are still selling the System I can give you any pertient information you need to verify me or what not...especially since I am a noob and all :/, but eh I like safety and cautious when using money....learned the hard way for me... So let me know alright.


ps. contact me at mvp324(at)aol[dot]com (don't check that much) or at mitesh324(at)hotmail[dot]com (checked more often than the aol account)