Frequent IE error when clicking on MS support links.

Oct 10, 2002

I do a lot of computer troubleshooting by searching for answers on the internet. This frequently results in me coming across MS support article links on web sites.
For a month or more now if I click on a link to a MS support article I usually get a page displaying "Sorry, the page you requested is not available."

However if I try several times or even manually edit and enter the URL it will come up correctly.

Anyone else coming across this? Just wanted to see if it's my pc or something others are experiencing.
Indeed, I got thru many errors like you when searching for answers as part of my IT job. I think MS is reorganizing the pages and the links got broken somehow.
Mister Natural said:
Anyone else coming across this? Just wanted to see if it's my pc or something others are experiencing.

Been seeing that for a few weeks now - first time I get a page not found, second click works like a charm

BTW, this is with IE7