Frequent disconnects


Limp Gawd
Feb 1, 2003
Hi, I am currently experiencing a problem where my internet connection is disconnected for about 1-2 seconds every couple minutes. Usually this isn't long enough to disconnect me from what I am doing, but once in awhile it goes on and off for a period of 20 seconds, disconnecting me from games.

During the 1-2 seconds that the connection is down, a ping to the router gives the message "Hardware error", and after the 2 seconds it pings fine. My dsl connection goes through a router to 4-5 different computers which all experience the same problem. I've tried switching routers to no effect. Both routers are WRT54GL's running DD-WRT. If anyone can help me with this I would be much appreciative as this has been driving me up the wall for the last month.