freemail using squirrel mail?


Aug 7, 2002
hey, i started reading about this cool opensource email package, squirrelMail it looks awesome and i want to try it out, does anybody know of a freemail provider using squirrelmail?
Are you sure you know what Squirrelmail is? It's not really an email package, it's a webmail server application, which allows access to mail stored on your email server from a browser window.

I've currently got it installed on a Linux box (running sendmail and courier-imap) and I'm going to be migrating to Win2k running the IIS smtp server and Mercury32 (don't ask why ;-).

It works well, as long as your default installation succeeds - documentation is rather scarce and the app relies on other things being installed properly (PHP and an IMAP server) so the potential for misconfiguration is high.

- Qualm
^ what he said, my university uses Squirrel mail as a web-mail client since they have stopped pop access to their server from off campus. It's pretty good, no unnecessary garbage bolted on, overall pretty slick.
Our site uses squrril mail If you wanna chack it out, go to and click on Webmail System on the left navagation bar. Let me know if you need access to an account and Ill make you one.
qualim, you are right, i got my terms mixed up but yes you described it much better than i could have. thank you for the info about scarce documentation and reliance on other services. ( i was looking at using squirrelmail on one of my own systems ) I obviously have a lot more research to do before i impliment that.