free rice vocab game...

Oct 31, 2001

basically it is a quiz game that tests your vocab skills. you are rewarded w/ 20 grains of rice for each correct answer. the grains of rice are then donated to the UN to help end world hunger.

not the typical game that gets posted here, but it's kinda challenging and (assuming it's all legit) it's for a good cause.

my current vocab level is 35 and i've donated 780 grains of rice.
I came across this site a couple months ago, back when it was 10 grains per word. One day here at work I did 10,000 grains. Then a week later it was 20 grains per word. :mad:

If you're having trouble, just open a tab. ;)
If you're having trouble, just open a tab. ;)

Pfft. The easy way out takes longer than guessing and going on to the next question :p

I'm at 1740 grains in about 20 minutes, up to level 44. I miss one every once in a while, but with just four answers I guess correctly more often than not :)
Pfft. The easy way out takes longer than guessing and going on to the next question :p

I'm at 1740 grains in about 20 minutes, up to level 44. I miss one every once in a while, but with just four answers I guess correctly more often than not :)

Heh, true, but using gives a broader definition. FreeRice sometimes uses a more obscure meaning as the answer. Plus it makes you think of the word longer, which should help your memory of the word. A few months ago they didn't have all that many words per vocab. level, and once I got to 50, I did it for so long that words started repeating a lot, and I rarely had to use
Oh man I need to brush up on my vocab. Level 33 and 4400 grains.
I've been doing this for a while, must I say I need a little work, but it's all for a good cause.
Wow, I'd hate to be the guy who has to actually count out all those grains of rice!:p