Free ram disk programme for Vista


Jan 16, 2007
I was wondering if there are any ram disk programme that is Vista compatiable that is free.

All the google results so far are either:
1) not free.
2) not Vista compatiable (Ram Disk Plus).
3) Won't go over 64MB in size. (ramdiskfree)
While it is theoretically possible to use a RAMdisk with Vista (and I've been a diehard RAMdisk supporter and proponent for over 20 years or so), Vista basically makes the need for one effectively useless in day to day operation because of SuperFetch. If you intend to use a RAMdisk for creating a temp drive for programs like Photoshop or other RAM hungry software then yes, it's still a good idea. I know that SuperSpeed ( is still working on their updated RAMDisk Plus software to be Vista compatible but it's still in testing phase currently.

If you think having a few gigs of high speed RAM and Raptors in RAID makes Photoshop and apps like it faster, you should see what a RAMdisk can do for that kind of stuff - it'll leave any hard drive based (even SCSI/Fiber Channel) setup in the dust...

But at the moment, I'm not aware of any "free" RAMdisk software that works with Vista that will meet your criteria. Give it some time and SuperSpeed with get theirs out sooner or later.