Free Program to burn WMP video to DVD Disc


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - July 2007
Feb 10, 2004
I have some video I have taken from my camcorder of my wedding and would like to make a dvd for thw wife etc. Nero Express and Vison are not letting me burn to dvd disc. I am looking for something free to be able to just burn the files on a dvd and then to play in a dvd player, nothing fancy.

Thanks in advance

If you're just trying to burn WMP files, you might wanna consider just making a vcd.

If you have a recent version of nero (7?) i think you can use nero digital to make that file into
DVD format, and you could burn that.

Hope this helps.
i wouldn't use nero for converting files to a dvd format. I converted a 720p h.264 video into a dvd and i thought everything was fine. BUT the audio slowly became out of sync with the video untill it came about a second too late. It may be my computer or some odd thing going on, but it also happened when i reencoded a dvd although it didn't get as out of sync.
i would use whatever is a good program for converting video (autogk, dvdx2) to a correct dvd format and then burn the video.
Yeah I got the correct plugin for Nero the Mpeg2 or something... Opens up an option for DVD Home video etc. and it was working fine. But whenever you click on a scene it errors the dvd player. I will try your suggestions! Thank you!