free linux distro as a server?


[H]F Junkie
Aug 17, 2000
which linux distro works the best as a server on a win2k domain??

I know red hat does and the new suse supposedly works awesome, but is there a free one that will also work??

What are you trying to do? Setup a Samba server, apache/web server, email server...etc? If you want to setup a Samba server almost any flavor will do, I personally prefer FreeBSD over any Linux variant, however, that's personal preference and what I learned on. However, if that's not what you are trying to do, try and explain what you do want to do.
Fedora Core 2 is a very good distro if you are a NOOB to linux or whether you are l337 :D
Samba I beleive it's called.... kinda noobie here to Linux....

So you are saying that I can take a personal edition of Suse 9.1 and add some sorta Samba thing to it and make it function as a DNS server or DHCP

Yeah. Try FC2. It's really easy to learn. Every distro is going to be more or less capable of the same basic server stuff, so just get something that you'll be able to figure out without a lot of hassle.
do I have to add samba to it?

Also there is two versions to download.... one has SRPMS in the file name... do I want that one?? I don't wanna download 2 gig for nothing! :p

Debian..... Easy peasy if you can do a non-GUI install, and you have a permanent internet connection.

apt-get install bind9 samba dhcp

blammo, done. :)
I don't mind doing a comman line install if there is some document somehwere can read that will teach me... I am quite computer literate, just not Linux.

Grew up in the late 80's early 90's.... so a command prompt is nothing new to me :)
