FREE Lan Potty!

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Feb 28, 2005

We're pleased to introduce our latest creation to the computer enthusiast community. The LAN Potty is the first portable toilet designed to meet the needs of hard core gamers. If you've ever found yourself in a competitive gaming situation you know how inconvenient it can be when nature calls. Enter the LAN Potty. Now there's no need to interrupt your gaming pleasure. Hours of intense gaming can lead to extreme and un-natural pressures that can be dangerous if not relieved. LAN Potty doubles as the perfect gaming seat while acting as a portable potty! Perfect for all week-end LAN Parties or every day use!

Get them while their hot! :cool:
nice april fools joke.

Seriously though, not many of the guys at those LANS could fit on that anyway. You could get one cheek on there max.
come on i rigged up something better than that 2 years ago! stupid tribes 2 addiction back in those days
I don't know about you, but, if I was at a lan, and someone was sitting next to me, pinching a loaf, gaming would not be on my mind...
My stepfather had one of those on his boat before he sold it, sans the LCD level indicator.

Its not exactly something I'd want to be in a closed room with.
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