Free Cap from Honda

Oct 2, 2001

For free Honda Cap click on Lawn Ad and fill in the 13 things that are wrong with the pic (Add from Lawn & Garden Magazine)
1. Monkey in the Tree
2. Ladder on 2nd Story of house
3. Man driving car from Back Seat
4. Ski Pole on Roof of car
5. Man pushing lawn mower has on a rope belt
6. Man pushing lawn mower has on two different shoes
7. Stair rail on porch has a baseball for knob
8. Porthole for a window by front door
9. Lollypops by the bushes
10. Walk way has different bricks
11. Shutters on 2nd story are different
12. post on porch is carved into a totem pole
13. curtain on window are on the outside of the window instead of the inside

Good Luck
What do you think a honda cap is? It's a hat with a Honda logo on it.
So it is a free Honda HAT? Who says cap anymore?

Thanks for the heads-up.

HAHA, I made a funny!
well.. i rewrote all of them in my own language.. so they wouldn't s uspect me of cheating as highly.. we will see if it works when they get 5000 submissions for the lawn and garden one.. and 200 for all the others...
Thank you for entering our contest. If you guessed all 13 correctly, your Honda cap should arrive within 4 weeks.

Thanx TTP

scottatwittenberg said:
well.. i rewrote all of them in my own language.. so they wouldn't s uspect me of cheating as highly.. we will see if it works when they get 5000 submissions for the lawn and garden one.. and 200 for all the others...

I just copy pasted for the fun of it.

it asks what magazine did you see the ad in...anyone have any advice?

know any good lawn/garden magazines?
mgars said:
it asks what magazine did you see the ad in...anyone have any advice?

know any good lawn/garden magazines?

TrailerTrashPrincess said:

For free Honda Cap click on Lawn Ad and fill in the 13 things that are wrong with the pic (Add from Lawn & Garden Magazine)

Good Luck

there you have it///
Website be broke! Got this after submitting...

Error Occurred While Processing Request
Error Diagnostic Information
Context validation error in tag CFIF

The tag is not correctly positioned relative to other tags in the template: tag CFIF must have some content. This means that there must be at least one tag, some text, or even just whitespace characters between the <CFIF> and </CFIF> markers.

This problem may be due to a CFML comment that has no end comment mark.

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFIF), occupying document position (11:2) to (11:65).

The specific sequence of files included or processed is:

Date/Time: 04/28/05 15:21:33
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
Remote Address:
HTTP Referer:
Yeah go on their site and it says that it's over. They even spelled "receive" incorrectly.
This is not a freebie, you will lose your dignity by wearing something that says Honda.