Found a fault within Win7


Jul 28, 2004
After about 3 weeks of continuous use on both my laptop (turion 64, 2gb) and my desktop (in sig) I noticed that after boot up it takes approximately 30 to 35 seconds for any programs to open up.

Example programs (all latest versions and/or patched):
Windows Live Mail
Windows Live Messenger
Word 07
Outlook 07
Dreamweaver CS3

The only program running on start up is AVG 8 (haven't gotten around to installing Avira but will do so tonight). I tried verifying the disk fragmentation and it was at around 5% (laptop) and 4%(desktop). Any ideas?

I honestly do not have any other complaints other than this. I have submitted feedback on this issue, on both computers as their hardware differ greatly.
After about 3 weeks of continuous use on both my laptop (turion 64, 2gb) and my desktop (in sig) I noticed that after boot up it takes approximately 30 to 35 seconds for any programs to open up.

Example programs (all latest versions and/or patched):
--> Safari <--
Windows Live Mail
Windows Live Messenger
Word 07
Outlook 07
Dreamweaver CS3

The only program running on start up is AVG '08 (haven't gotten around to installing Avira but will do so tonight). I tried verifying the disk fragmentation and it was at around 5% (laptop) and 4%(desktop). Any ideas?

I honestly do not have any other complaints other than this. I have submitted feedback on this issue, on both computers as their hardware differ greatly.

Ah, there's your problem!


Sorry, I had to.

*runs away*
Seriously though, have you checked your Event Viewer for possible errors or timeouts or other programs engaging when you fire up your chosen programs?
Maybe they depend on services which you have set to 'delayed' automatic start.

Or you could delay AVG startup.
How about checking for an updated network driver. That could be causing a slow down with your network access at boot, which could delay everything else.
Did you try disabling AVG, reboot (AVG disabled), and seeing if they were any faster?

Yes, I have... after posting I actually removed AVG and installed Avira on both but the problem still persists.

Seriously though, have you checked your Event Viewer for possible errors or timeouts or other programs engaging when you fire up your chosen programs?

I have not checked the Event Viewer, but from my experience and testing it seems like any program will be delayed in opening at boot. I can however, state that once it's "settled down" it does work fine. Vista x64, from prior experience, does not have this problem though.

How about checking for an updated network driver. That could be causing a slow down with your network access at boot, which could delay everything else.

The one on the laptop was installed by Win7, I cannot recall if Windows Update installed a newer version or not, I would have to verify.

The desktop is using the latest Vista x64 driver from Marvell (Win7 did not find a driver at installation nor through Windows Update).