Fortune 500 companies -- what password policies and requirements do they have?


Limp Gawd
Oct 17, 2011
I am just curious: what password policies and complexity requirements do companies classified as being a Fortune 500 company have?
In my experience some crazy long special character and number Bitlocker password.

Users log in requires 7 character alphanumeric with special character, most likely they just end with a "!"
Terrible ones, usually. I know of one that requires them to be 8 chars, no more and no less. And at least two of them have to be numbers.
15 character minimum, 2 lower, 2 upper, 2 numbers and 2 specials. Change every 60, remebers last 10.

Terrible ones, usually. I know of one that requires them to be 8 chars, no more and no less. And at least two of them have to be numbers.

That company has a mainframe.

Mine does the same stupid thing. No one ever thinks to have separate mainframe accounts with the weak passwords...
Normal users:
We have 6 character minimum. Non complex.
Must change every 90 days, remember the previous 5.

Administrators and IT:
8 character minimum. Complex (letters, numbers, symbols)
Must change every 90 days, remember the previous 10.