force Pixel clock in Gentoo


Mar 11, 2005
So I'm trying to make work properly on my dell 2001FP.
After running X -configure and having it not work at all. I began my manual configuration.
After setting specifying my HorizSync and VertRefresh to the Specs on Dells website. I still can only do 1024x768, and poorly too. After some digging through error logs, I found that It was using a max Pixel clock of 110, where the Dell 2001FP uses a max pixel clock of 162. In addition, I would love to know how to set the Sync Polarity as well.

The first person who can tell me what lines I to add to my Xorg.conf to force the pixel clock and and sync polarity, and where I need to put them will get a cookie.

(provided it works of course, or I get a different error message.)
You need to write a ModeLine in Section "Monitor" that fits the description. It looks like ModeLines are distantly related to black magic, but take a look at this page. You can add +HSync +VSync to the end of a modeline, or +CSync for composite sync.
(Big reference here.)

Look at this.
This discussion might perhaps be interesting, as well.

Try this:
ModeLine "1600x1200" 162.00 1600 1624 1976 2160 1200 1201 1204 1250 +HSync +VSync