folder passwords in Win 7

I never understood why Windows doesn't allow you to password protect folders :confused:!?
I was informed it's because large companies don't want to run into risk factors with their employees holding illegal / confiscated / confidential information in said folder without the ITs being able to do anything

(which a simple domain permission could fix... )
Good plan, but sheesh at least Vista HOME edition should allow it, and Business shouldn't. I don't want my little bro getting into my porn folder, he'll find I have interesting taste.
Enlitence.Systems is right. Businesses hate this stuff. I've seen a lot of headaches caused by this and to be honest why do you really need it? If you don't want people to see your stuff set up a separate account. And there are tons of third party solutions.
[H]adouken;1033687690 said:
Good plan, but sheesh at least Vista HOME edition should allow it, and Business shouldn't. I don't want my little bro getting into my porn folder, he'll find I have interesting taste.

Little bro needs his on acccount.
Yeah you don't really need it, I never really had the sudden urge to protect a folder lol. Clever hiding if anything works well.

Also, doesn't pretty much every good zipping/compressing program have a password protect addition onto the .7z or .zip file? Essentially the same exact thing.
Okay. I'm totally fine with clever hiding and /or using seperate accounts. but not all of our relatives and/or family are "my own account" friendly. it's just that much easier to password protect a folder rather than having to hide it or create a new account. One would have to logoff, and re log back on in order to use the computer.

I'm gonna be totally honest it's for porn. but because businesses don't like it doesn't mean I should be stripped of an extremely basic feature, consumers are the biggest sale point of OSs believe it or not, it's just microsoft likes the "big checks" from the big companies buying 2000-3000 licenses rather than 10-20k people buying laptops from bestbuy.

I think the best idea is just make a networked folder and password it. seems retarded that I have to store my secrets on my server.
Why not do the zipping method? Put like 0% compression on it and zip the folder up with a password.
Okay. I'm totally fine with clever hiding and /or using seperate accounts. but not all of our relatives and/or family are "my own account" friendly. it's just that much easier to password protect a folder rather than having to hide it or create a new account. One would have to logoff, and re log back on in order to use the computer.

I'm gonna be totally honest it's for porn. but because businesses don't like it doesn't mean I should be stripped of an extremely basic feature, consumers are the biggest sale point of OSs believe it or not, it's just microsoft likes the "big checks" from the big companies buying 2000-3000 licenses rather than 10-20k people buying laptops from bestbuy.

I think the best idea is just make a networked folder and password it. seems retarded that I have to store my secrets on my server.

In a situation where multiple people who don't trust each other who are using a single multiple accounts are a far better solution. You get better security and it helps prevent people like little bro from not only looking at your personal stuff it prevents him from getting you computer infected with malware.

I think that sometimes people don't give Microsoft enough credit. I've been in more than one situation where people password protected files and folders caused a lot of grief in places I've worked. Microsoft had something called FolderShare that let you share folders online and encrypt them (I think that bought the company) and boy did they get a lot of grief over it.

If you really want to go the encrypted folder route then the option is there. Just try to remember that what you think is a no brainer has to be weighed against a lot of different needs and desires when it comes to Windows. Yes, Microsoft has to please its business customers, that's where the real money is for them and if customers are calling that have not just a couple of thousand but a couple of hundred thousand licenses for my software like where I work, you have to listen. You'd do the same thing in their shoes.

But really, if you don't have multiple accounts setup on that machine its really for everyones benefit that you do. Its simple as pie to setup and use.