Flash: Easy Method Of Creating Player?


Limp Gawd
Dec 10, 2009
I need to create (mainly) just an audio player for my site, though have held off on buying Flash as of yet, because I don't yet know how difficult it is to create a Flash player.

Can someone tell me how difficult it is to create a Flash audio player without having that much knowledge of Flash? Is it a relatively easy to create a music player?

I've used Flash some in the past for basic animations, but nothing further.

I know coding for web design etc., and am a graphic artist (so I could skin the thing fine) but don't know if there's a relatively "easy" way to create a player, adjusting size, parameters for playing the music files etc. etc.

Have tried looking at tutorials, but many seem pretty complicated (though that could be different with the newest version of Flash, CS4). Before I make the purchase, I just kind of want to get a feel for what I'm getting into.
Any reason why you want to build one instead of use the default players that come with Flash?
Crap, I was gonna ask that! ;)

Is there an easy-to-use default player you can alter to put on a website?

I have to make it smaller, change the color and be able to add/remove songs easily, without knowing the "guts" of programming in Flash.
Wait... are you saying there are "pre-fab" players in Flash CS4 you can just import music into, without having to do any coding?

I'm finding absolutely nothing, and the tutorials for creating players as way more complex than I planned on getting into.

I don't want to have to code a player from scratch...

I always figured that this (mediaplayer.swf in this case) player was the default one, but I could be wrong.
You meant "default one", as in it's integrated into a pre-fab template in Flash?

If so, I'm not finding it at all within the program, and I've been digging through the guts of tutorials on disc and on the net all over the place.

You made it sound as if there was pre-made templates in Flash for a player, but unless I'm completely insane, I'm not seeing it anywhere in the program... which would mean I would have to code it from scratch.

I've seen that basic player you linked to everywhere, yeah... but if it comes as an easy-to-use pre-made template people can just use to important vid, audio etc. into Flash, I'm not finding it...

Not good, don't know what to do... that's a separate app you have to buy.