Fixing Intel rapid storage technology cache raid


Aug 25, 2009
ok so i have a asus p8z77-pro , 2 1tb western digitals.& 2 120gb ssd drives.

my setup was a 120gb ssd for os and small programs, 1 1tb used as storage
and the other 1tb drive was my steam install .with the second ssd being used as cache drive using intels rapid storage technology.

I installed windows 8.1 to check it out and when i switched back to good ole windows7 my steam drive was gone as well as the remaining 64gb usable partition.
they show up in the bios and in the intel rapid storage program
But they do not show up in windows at all either in device manager or in administrative disk tools .
intels rapid storage technology.
(has an explanation mark next to both of these drives, which states that : intel rst controller 0 incompatible)

I read that a possibly fix was to delete the cache partition on the ssd, and that would fix the problem , i inserted the windows disk and got to where you select what drive you want to install windows on and I used that screen to delete the cache partition and the remaining and formatted the ssd clean.
(before formatting it there was a message stating that it could not install to the ssd because the ntfs file system was incompatible to install windows onto?)
I formatted the ssd ,However this did not work and i still cannot see the drives in windows.
I tried disconnecting the cache ssd to no avail as well.

I notticed while i was reinstalling windows 7 it went to a cmd prompt randomly during the end of windows install and looked like chkdsk was running (mabey that messed it up somehow , I was thinking it might have been possible that the sata setting in bios could have been set to ahci at this time instead of raid)

Any ideas ? preferably without loosing all the data on the 1tb harddrive ??
cant think of anything else . bios is in raid mode, intel and asmedia drivers all installed.
sorry if this post is hard to read , been at this for like 8 hours and am barely awake now Lol
How were you installing 8.1 and then 7? What was your process?

Unfortunately, I've only had luck with IRST--migrating my RAID0 array from my old computer to a newly built one, the array was immediately recognized after windows installed.
prosses was from windows 7 to format to windows 8.1 to formatting and back to windows 7. when it was on windows 8.1 the raid was picked up imediantly without installing any drivers or anything.
after uninstalling the intel drivers and re-booting both drives show up and seem to work fine individually running off the Microsoft drivers.
the cache ssd was formatted soo it shows as a empty ready to use drive and the 1tb shows everything it had in it .
But as soon as i install the intel drivers they disapear again other than in the rst program showing:
sata ssd on controller 0, port 1: incompatible
sata disk on controller 0, port 2: incompatible
drivers im using : 7 *&DownloadType= 7 *&DownloadType=

running windows 7 home premium 64 bit