First time Overclocker, this OC going to be ok?


Oct 16, 2007
Hi, I'm fairly new to overclocking and was wondering if this OC and the way I did it is going to be safe/stable.

(My build specs are in sig)
I went to the BIOS and changed to 400x8 so it's running at 3.2GHz, 29C Idle. I put the voltages on Auto instead of Manual.

Then I overclocked my BFG 8800GT to 726/1819/979 (screen below) with RivaTuner and it's idling at 49C and 68C under load.


I ran the free Futuremark 3DMark06 and got 12912

Is this a typical score, or should I be getting better? Can anyone show me some other benchmarks with 8800GT and other similar hardware?

Vista or XP? Link to ORB would be a lot better than just an .img of a random number as well.

It sounds about right though.
Well your temps for the 8800GT seem great actually.
What are the load temps for your CPU? Just run orthos and Speedfan/Everest etc so you can see temps.
Well your temps for the 8800GT seem great actually.
What are the load temps for your CPU? Just run orthos and Speedfan/Everest etc so you can see temps.

I'm not sure which is the CPU temp on SpeedFan, but "Temp 1" stayed at 30C while "Temp 2" rose to 51C while using Orthos.