First Time Linux Installer HELP!


Jul 8, 2004
Im a n00b to linux and I downloaded Fedora Core 6 last night. I was wondering if you all had some good links that I could refer to for starters. Anything would be great, I would like to learn how to install it via command line like I said, I dont know anything.

Another thing is, once I get the OS installed, I would like how to install applications via command line.

You mean you want to install it in non-graphical mode? Just type 'linux text' when it presents you the boot: prompt. It's still pretty much the same thing as the graphical installer, so I'd say just go with the anaconda installer unless you had some really good reason not to use the graphical install.

After you get that installed, you'll want to look at using yum package manager, use 'man yum'
Also, read:
ok thank you, 1 more need

what are some links or recommendations that you might have for software or applications I might need.
That depends entirely on what you want to do with this install:

Image manip? The GIMP 2.x
Word processing: Abiword or Writer
Instant messaging: Gaim, Kopete/KDE, various others
Movie player: mplayer
music player: amaroK (KDE), xmms, rhythmbox
email: thunderbird, claws-mail, ximian
RDBMS: postgresql, mySQL, sqlite...
Web serving: apache httpd, lighttpd

There's a thread with users talking about the programs they use to do what they do: