First FX-57 Review

The way i see it... AMD had two "high-end" lines... one being the FX line, and other being the X2..

I wish they would make the FX dual core also for those of us who want the best gaming and multitasking cpu out there.
soyboy said:
I wish they would make the FX dual core also for those of us who want the best gaming and multitasking cpu out there.
it'll happen.. give them a few quarters :p
Skrying said:
Lol, [H] leaving out P4s cracks me up.

Hey, you can't argue with our logic on that.....well I guess you can, but I still just really saw no reason to put the P4s in.
If you get an X2 to 2.8 how does it compare? I would imagine better but you're the guys with the processors right now... *cough* damn paper launches *cough*
LstOfTheBrunnenG said:
If you get an X2 to 2.8 how does it compare? I would imagine better but you're the guys with the processors right now... *cough* damn paper launches *cough*

It would fully depend on what you were using the CPU for at that point. In gaming the X2 "should" be a tiny bit faster, but nothing I think you could notice playing games.
LstOfTheBrunnenG said:
What, no putting a 2.6C in just to make my rig feel old?

We still have 2.4C in our motherboard reviews if you need to be belittled. ;) :D
Wow the FX-57 really kicks ass and takes names later, AMD has done it again. Although I can't wait to see what Intel is going to counter with.

I also agree on not throwing up Pentium 4 benchmarks, [H] readers would be interested in the performance increase over the FX 55, at least I was. Besides there's plenty of P4 benchmarks around!
Craz said:
Wow the FX-57 really kicks ass and takes names later, AMD has done it again. Although I can't wait to see what Intel is going to counter with.

I also agree on not throwing up Pentium 4 benchmarks, [H] readers would be interested in the performance increase over the FX 55, at least I was. Besides there's plenty of P4 benchmarks around!

They wont counter with anything most likely. They simply cant touch the FX's in gaming performance, they'd have to pull a 4.4Ghz chip out of nowhere to be close.
LstOfTheBrunnenG said: in other words, maybe 1 or 2 fps in games, but in apps that benefit at all from multithreading, even more of a difference?

Sometime this summer I'm going to get a 4400+, DFI NF4 board, and that new Zalman 9500 cooler that's not out yet. 2.8 or bust!

Oh, and nobody here that still has a 2.4C is running at stock...I'd say if they still have it it's at at least 3 Ghz...

IN games, the difference between the FX57 and 4800+ is at best 5% in frame rate. Nothing I think that is going to make a terribly tangible difference in your gaming experience.

I would think a 4400+ would be a great CPU.

2.4C is just in there as a hash mark. We got our 2.4A up to 3.3 fairly easily a little over a year ago. :D

And we got our 2.4C up to 3.3GHz over two years ago. :D
Craz said:
Wow the FX-57 really kicks ass and takes names later, AMD has done it again. Although I can't wait to see what Intel is going to counter with.

I also agree on not throwing up Pentium 4 benchmarks, [H] readers would be interested in the performance increase over the FX 55, at least I was. Besides there's plenty of P4 benchmarks around!

I really don't think anyone with a FX-55 will be considering an upgrade for 200MHz. We tried to include comparisons that would be more useful to folks possibly wanting to upgrade. Quite frankly I am somewhat tired of doing articles like this for the sake of just doing them. I want to give them more true value in terms of helping buyers make the right choices.
Kyle, do you guys use stock cooling on the OCing or some other form? I might have skipped over it but I didnt see it mentioned.
Skrying said:
Kyle, do you guys use stock cooling on the OCing or some other form? I might have skipped over it but I didnt see it mentioned.

We use an Exos 1 system with the 300W water block. Been the same for two years now. Have not changed anything. Temp was not an issue though. You could do 3GHz on that cpu with a good air cooler. Nothing like a P4....
will amd be at 3.2GHz by the end of the year? its honestly kind of nice to see intel being left out, i have never thought of the P4 as being anything that great.
so the multiplyer is unlocked, but only up to 15, and they give it to you with it set to 14. that seams kinda lame to me. better then the totaly lokced p4's but still lame.
My impression from the review was that it was unlocked but simply unstable.

I've always wondered, if a CPU isn't capable of 200 x 15 = 3000, is it possibly capable of 215 x 14 = ~3000?
I bet they could have easily gotten higher with some HTT upping but that's just me, maybe not. A 15x multi is nice to hae when you're OCing.
LstOfTheBrunnenG said:
My impression from the review was that it was unlocked but simply unstable.

I've always wondered, if a CPU isn't capable of 200 x 15 = 3000, is it possibly capable of 215 x 14 = ~3000?
With a good ram, it will run [email protected] or 272x11@2-2-2...
Craz said:
I didn't mean someone with an FX-55 looking to upgrade, but curious of the performance increase. The FX series is pricey enough as it stands :eek:
No significance gaming/benchmark gains compared to FX55 SD or 4000 SD...
The article mentions you used an Abit motherboard - the A8N-SLI. That is incorrect. A8N-SLI is an Asus product.
Kyle/Brent, I was wondering if either of you guys had heard of AMD improving the memory controller in the FX-57 to support DDR-533? That is, making a FX-57 at stock speeds of 10.5 x 266MHz HTT?

Rumor has the 90nm A64's have included a memory controller bump in the HTT speeds to cover DDR-433, DDR-466 and DDR-500 and the FX-57 to include DDR-533 (216MHz, 233MHz, 250Mhz and finally 266Mhz HTT/FSB).

AMD ships world's 'fastest overclockable gaming CPU'

Over at Xtremesystems we have more than enough proof that the newer 90nm A64's have no problems running at very high HTT/FSB speeds (300+) as long as you still have CPU speeds the same. But we're just trying to find corroborating evidence besides just one source.

:confused: :confused:

Apparently AMD is having some motherboard manufacturers *coughAbitcough* testing a new BIOS that would allow the CPU's to be run at same core speed but with HTT be at 200, 216, 233, 250 or possible 266Mhz.
Craz said:
Wow the FX-57 really kicks ass and takes names later, AMD has done it again. Although I can't wait to see what Intel is going to counter with.

I also agree on not throwing up Pentium 4 benchmarks, [H] readers would be interested in the performance increase over the FX 55, at least I was. Besides there's plenty of P4 benchmarks around!
yea i would have like to see a comparison to the FX-55.
One thing that would impress me, testwise, is to see Dsclaer being run at the same time a game is being played. I know Dscaler (depending on options selected) uses up to 100% CPU, so to have 2 CPU intensive apps running at the same time would be something marvelous indeed.

BTW (to editor) Is the experience of video encoding and counterstrike playing at the same time really that smooth? transparent?
Stellar said:
The article mentions you used an Abit motherboard - the A8N-SLI. That is incorrect. A8N-SLI is an Asus product.

Thats what I was going to say. On the System Test Setup it says: ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe, then on the last page under the CPU-Z screenshot,"We were using a motherboard from ABIT, the A8N-SLI, which just happened to be on the test bench at the time. Remember, your mileage when overclocking can differ greatly."
Not to be picky, but it did make me flip through the pages to see if I misread something.
Anyways, a good review, nice to see AMD getting closer to the 3Ghz mark finally! (I'm sooo tired of trying to explain to ppl who don't know anything about cpus, how a 2.4g amd is as fast or faster than a 3.4g intel)
HardOCP's decision not to include Intel P4 CPU's against the newest AMD CPU wasn't too bad, as comparing one company's current product against it's own older product to see what benefits a customer could get by upgrading is a great idea. However, by saying "The simple fact of the matter is that while Intel would have you believe that they do make "gaming" processors, the AMD Athlon FX-57 simply kicks the crap out of anything Intel makes in the realm of gaming." is nothing new and sounds like AMD F@nBoy talk. Tell us something we don't know, like, how much faster is this chip compared to Intel's top chip, not "Intel would have you believe..."

Sound like you guys were paid to say Intel=BAD, AMD=Good.

(And I own an Athlon64 3500!)
Karma said:
Apparently AMD is having some motherboard manufacturers *coughAbitcough* testing a new BIOS that would allow the CPU's to be run at same core speed but with HTT be at 200, 216, 233, 250 or possible 266Mhz.
and msi, the new beta bios for the k8n neo2 allows that too. if you think about it, there's no reason why this shouldn't work.
lozaning said:
so the multiplyer is unlocked, but only up to 15, and they give it to you with it set to 14. that seams kinda lame to me. better then the totaly lokced p4's but still lame.

No, it is unlocked to 19 if I remember correctly....

The newest dual core P4 is fully unlocked...
Craz said:
I didn't mean someone with an FX-55 looking to upgrade, but curious of the performance increase. The FX series is pricey enough as it stands :eek:

Yes, I know what you were lookin for and I gave you an explanation on why we did not do that.
Stellar said:
The article mentions you used an Abit motherboard - the A8N-SLI. That is incorrect. A8N-SLI is an Asus product.

Thanks, fixed.
Karma said:
Kyle/Brent, I was wondering if either of you guys had heard of AMD improving the memory controller in the FX-57 to support DDR-533? That is, making a FX-57 at stock speeds of 10.5 x 266MHz HTT?

Rumor has the 90nm A64's have included a memory controller bump in the HTT speeds to cover DDR-433, DDR-466 and DDR-500 and the FX-57 to include DDR-533 (216MHz, 233MHz, 250Mhz and finally 266Mhz HTT/FSB).

AMD ships world's 'fastest overclockable gaming CPU'

Over at Xtremesystems we have more than enough proof that the newer 90nm A64's have no problems running at very high HTT/FSB speeds (300+) as long as you still have CPU speeds the same. But we're just trying to find corroborating evidence besides just one source.

:confused: :confused:

Well it working at DDR-533 and it being specifically designed to do so are two totally differnent things. I think it is still called "overclocking." ;) Being able to do it hardly proves the intended design given that DDR and DDR2 signals change very little as the product scales.
robberbaron said:

We reported on the front page several months ago (Actually before anyone else had ever mentioned it online to my knowledge) that we heard some fairly solid rumors about the FX line shifting to 250MHz FSB to further define its market segment as it and the vanilla Athlon 64 begin to look more and more alike.
damstr said:
yea i would have like to see a comparison to the FX-55.

Sorry. I will arrange a full refund immediately. ;)