FireWire cable question:


Limp Gawd
Aug 26, 2000
I have an internal FireWire card, 3 external ports, and one internal. All ports are physically identical. I also have a case that has a Firewire plug on the front, with a cable coming off of it that has what appears to be the standard 2x5 10 pin connector, with one corner pin blocked. Looks just like the end on the 2 USB ports.

Question is this: How do I hook this up? Is there an adapter that is made for this purpose, or can someone provide an appropriate pinout so I can cut n solder?

Sorry if the answer is posted elsewhere on here, but I couldn't find crap about it..........:(
That cable is meant to hook onto your motherboards firewire header, if it has one.
That should do it. Good find, though it'd be nicer if it weren't so expensive... I suppose one can always ghetto a connection by hacking apart a cheap 6 pin cable (which is effectively what they did).