Firefox password Vulnerability


Apr 17, 2003
A vulnerability in Firefox handling of saved passwords has been announced today. The vulnerability allows Firefox to autofill saved credentials no matter where they are being submitted.
Found today

Sorry if this is a double post but I didn't see it when I did a search!
I dont like the idea of saved passwords at all, always disable thsoe type of options in apps.
I'm one of those people that hates trying to remember them all so I've got them all saved :rolleyes: While this won't effect me in any way {always check urls and such} it might have ab affect on others.
RicheemXX said:
I'm one of those people that hates trying to remember them all so I've got them all saved :rolleyes: While this won't effect me in any way {always check urls and such} it might have ab affect on others.
i think that passwordsafe (on sourceforge) is a pretty nifty util for that.
drizzt81 said:
i think that passwordsafe (on sourceforge) is a pretty nifty util for that.

Yeah I never do saved passwords in browser, although I do use passwordsafe :) I think a seperate app with blowfish encrypted datastore is good enough.