Firefox javascript slow


Limp Gawd
Dec 29, 2002
I still can't get why all Firefox versions including FF5 are all soooo slow in rendering javascript based gui's. Where the heck is all the JS speed increase?? Its like watching a movie running at 15fps. Every decent browser, Chrome/Opera/Safari, renders it like its running at 30fps with no lag. It so damn frustating!!! :mad:

I checked the above in FF5 with and without add-ons, it makes no difference.

A simple example is to open the Yahoo! homepage, go to the main news items banner and play around with the previous and next buttons to see what i mean.

On a side note I'm not here to trash FF, I live by it. Its my primary browser in all my systems, just wish it was better..

I've had as my homepage for several years and have been using Firefox since version 1.5. I've never noticed the issue you describe.
I just compared FF5 to Chrome and Safari on that page and it's pretty much identical.