Firefox is borked!


[H]F Junkie
Apr 5, 2000
I did the automatic update to my Firefox 1.0 and when it finished it seriously broke something. Since this happened I've tried several times to completely uninstall and reinstall, to include cleaning out the registry of all Mozilla & Firefox entries that I could find, and yet it consistently reinstalls itself right back to where it was, including the snafu that prompted me to reinstall it in the first place. Below is a picture of the madness. Pay close attention to the stuff in the grey area at the bottom of the browser window.

When you cleaned-up after the uninstall, did you delete the ....\application data\mozilla\firefox\ folder? You could also seach your drive for the text in the grey area - that would point you to the extension/toolbar that's broken.
Thanks for the tip. I'll take a look at those when I get home from work.


Removing the \application data\... did the trick. Too bad I forgot to backup my links before I blew it away.... :(