Firefox, force non-URLs in Address Bar to go to google


Oct 19, 2002
I want to know if there is a way to make all my non-URL entries to the address bar go in as a search in google.

example: I type "socks" into my search bar, but there is no URL "socks" so what I want is to have the browser send that to google search bar as an "I'm feeling lucky"

If anyone knows a way to do that I'd be super happy!
Open up a new tab and scroll down to an entry named keyword.URL. If it's not there, create a new STRING with it and set it to "".

There, everytime you type a non-URL in the URL bar, it'll be redirected to a google search results.

It isn't perfect, though... occasionally I still have to manually type and search (I've changed my search bar to Wikipedia).
Hrmm... Are you talking about when you right click on a search bar it gives the option to "add a keyword for this search" cause I don't understand the open new tab and scroll down thing your talking about.

I tried making an empty "add a keyworld for this.." and it didn't work, earthlink still takes over.

EDIT: oddly enough when I type in two words in the address bar it goes to google, example: "test" goes to my earthlink crap page, "test test" goes to google.