Firefox Downloader


Nov 15, 2005
Hi everyone, is there any ad free download programs for Firefox to replace the crappy one come with it? most of the times it stops from working, means no error just stop from downloading. and its not continueable after closing the window
Well, I use Download Manager Tweak . I don't know if it just replaces the default download manager or if it just enhances it but it definitely gives you more options.

Also, you say that with the default download manager it quits downloading half the time for you? That's kind of weird. I've used it hundreds of times and never had a single problem. Never had download just quit before it was finished downloading. What version of firefox are you running?
thx for the program, I think I'm using the newest version because I just put my computer together, I'm downloading huge files that takes 20+minutes and 3 at a time, in some how it just stop, I can still move the window around,use the scroll bar, no error but stop in the middle of DLing