Firefox alternative (pref another Mozilla fork)


Limp Gawd
Feb 3, 2004
Hi Guys,

After using Firefox for almost a decade, recent changes in attitude of Firefox developers left a sour taste in my mouth. Their keep dumbing it down to the lowest common denominator. Their last stunt of removing "display images" checkmark was the last straw. I sometimes need to browse the web in text only mode, and now it is impossible. You now have to do it on per page basis using permissions or get a 3rd party addon.. The dozens of threads on support forums simply get locked, saying browsing the web in text mode, is retarded. I am unsure when did FF get big enough where they can act like Microsoft.

My options are either rolling back to version 21 of FF, but I would rather not add to FF stats. Is there another browser, preferably based on Mozilla code, which support their project sanely?
Seamonkey maybe? Old school UI and still uses the same engine that FF uses.
Like the man here said, try Seamonkey. I tried to switch to it a few months back but some minor things like no X on the tabs and lack of customization of the GUI kept me from really getting into it. But it's very strait forward and no nonsense browser that is still very fast. If you are a fan of the oldschool Firefox look, you can set it up similar to that.
pcxFirefox is the fastest Firefox variant there is, test it yourself using most any popular benchmark. Second to that would be Lawlietfox, then Ayakawa's custom compiles.

Pale Moon, Waterfox, and Cyberfox and most any others - including 64 bit builds - are slow, underperforming, and rather bloated compared to those I mentioned above.

As stated, test them yourself and see the difference. And don't just run one and think "Wow this sure seems fast..." 'cause that's just the placebo effect. Hell, Chrome still has the best placebo effect out there but when it's put into real benchmarks it's been losing to vanilla unmodified Firefox straight from Mozilla lately.

It ain't all it's cracked up to be.