Firefox 3 RC1 issue


Fully Equipped
Mar 26, 2008
Yes i know, i should just go back to Firefox 2. Well, i tried and this problem wasnt there, but i have been using Firefox3 since beta 1 and i like the look of it alot better. The problem popped up when i launched it this morning. The bookmark bar now has an extra row underneath it that i cant get rid of. I didnt change anything that might have made it appear in the first place, so im a bit lost. Any ideas? Right clicking it does nothing, no contextual menu at all.

(i dont need a discussion started on my bookmarks, so they are covered.)

right click the bar above the address bar/customize. drag that bar into the pop up window and good bye
no dice. I know what you mean, but that would only apply to a bar that was created in the same way. This isnt really a bar, in the normal sense. I cant put anything in it, not even more bookmarks. Clicking on it does nothing, even with the "customize" window open. I know in OS X if something like this ever happened, i would delete the .plist file for Firefox and all would be well. How to i go about deleting the "preferences" for Firefox in windows? Windows is ridiculous in that sense.... but thats another rant..:D
Its not the tab bar, i have the tab bar hidden already when not in use. When i open a new tab it opens the tab bar UNDER this mystery bar. Believe me, i know what im doing, it wouldnt be something as obvious as the tab
What add-ons do you have installed? You could also try the old delete your profile trick.
No addon's, i dont even think they work in v3 RC1

How do i delete my profile?
try creating a new profile first rather than deleting your current profile, right click on the forefox shortcut amd add -p to the end of the path, that will make it launch the profile manager where you can create a new one