Firefox 0.9 is fast


Jul 28, 2001
Is it just me or does it seem considerably faster?

It feels about 20% faster.
I think they must have done a lot of work cleaning up the code and speeding it up. I'm using it right now and it does seem faster than 0.8. I'm really looking forward to 1.0.
I custom compiled Firefox 0.8 for my system and it still didn't load that fast (Linux); but after compiling 0.9, 0.9 does seem to load a lot faster.

I think Firefox works better in Windows, as 0.8 never took as long to start as it does in linux; I've noticed that 0.9 starts up faster in Windows as well.

Can't wait for 1.0.

On a related note, Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7 is faster than previous thunderbird versions also.
I've noticed the speed increase as well, and it seems to handle "problem" websites much better than 0.8

However, it's crashed out to Windows several times, often when I'm out of the room for a period of time with the PC running. Still, this is a terrific browser.
I had to uninstall Firefox 0.9 because it kept crashing when I tried to restart it. Might try messing around with it later, but there's no good 0.9 extensions for tabbed browsing at the moment.
kick@ss said:
I had to uninstall Firefox 0.9 because it kept crashing when I tried to restart it. Might try messing around with it later, but there's no good 0.9 extensions for tabbed browsing at the moment.

I had a couple of hard crashes on my Toshiba Laptop, but it's working fine now. On my main system (A64, etc.) it's working marvelously and is wicked fast.

QC seems a bit better on this version too... .8 was nice and all, but .9 just feels better, ya know?


Dave Graham
I've liked Mozilla browsers for a while but I still think that Avant Browser is the better choice cuz its just like using IE but with built-in pop-up protection among other goodies as well.

Mozilla stuff is okay but them "click here to get xxxxxx-plug-in" messages kinda get old after a while. Avant doesnt give me that crap. ;)
I like it a lot, but IE seems a lot faster loading webpages. I have applied tweaks to both, also. I will stick with Firefox just because the tab feature kicks ass and because it feels a lot....cleaner.
I can't get the tab bar to stay there, I have to open a new webpage in order to see the tab bar. Opera feels like the fastest browser to me.
winuser2000 said:
I can't get the tab bar to stay there, I have to open a new webpage in order to see the tab bar.

Tools > Options > Advanced > Browsing > "Hide the tab bar when only one website is open"
I skipped over 0.8 completely. The new things they put in just seemed to bog it down compared to 0.7. It seems like they trimmed things up nicely in 0.9. I'm enjoying it.
I just loaded up FF 0.9 and I like it enough that I've already uninstalled Mozilla 1.6. BTW - Mozilla 1.7 is now out.
Anyway runs very nice. The tv show "The Screensavers" featured a look at the browser last night. Check their show notes for details. There are hundreds of extensions for this browser and one of the coolest ones is called "adblock". Once installed you can right click on a banner ad and the next time you visit or refresh, the ad will not appear. Naturally popup blocker is already included.
I went from 0.8 to 0.9, and it is quick, quick, quick. It loads faster, too. My install's extensions all work fine, etc., etc.. I think this is the most significant release yet. :)
incidently, i installed SP2 RC2 yesterday and it killed both Thunderbird .7 and Firefox .9. was getting program exceptions every single time i tried to launch them. simply removing SP2 solved the problem...

just a heads up.


Does killing Firefox and Thunderbird qualify as a hotfix for IE and OE? :D
Am I the only one that had 9 crash on me? I'm still using 8 because I installed 9 and it would just lockup and eat memory. Maybe it's because I'm using SP2 though....
Im using .9 and everything seems smooth.

BUT when .9 was first announced on hardocp etc, there was a .9rc now its just .9 so make sure you didn't grab the rc version.
I use both Mozilla 1.7 and Firefox 0.9 without any real problems. I still dislike how downloads are handled in FF, though.

BTW, did anyone notice that with Mozilla and Firefox, if you disable the RAM cache (using about:config ), a number of sites suddenly stop working?
There are extensions to customize how Firefox downloads, if you don't like the default way of doing it.
I upgraded from 0.8 to 0.9 RC, worked perferctly... and then I uninstalled everything for 0.9. Every time I'd open the program, it'd crash. I uninstalled the damn thing and went back to 0.8. From what I hear, 0.9 is bugy as hell and I have one case to prove it.
Shorty said:
I upgraded from 0.8 to 0.9 RC, worked perferctly... and then I uninstalled everything for 0.9. Every time I'd open the program, it'd crash. I uninstalled the damn thing and went back to 0.8. From what I hear, 0.9 is bugy as hell and I have one case to prove it.
My install is absolutely perfect. Did you do a clean install, or overwrite your original?
For those of you having problems upgrading from .8 to .9, you may be running into a profile problem. Move your old profile out of the way and restart ff with a new one.

As much as I love FF and Mozilla in general, that is one area that needs tons of rethinking: The god damned profle.
I didnt have a problem with the profile.

i uninstalled .8 before doing anything. then i nuked the system folder, and made a backup of the profile folder.

then i doubleclicked the firefox executable. it prompted me to migrate everything from .8, i did, and after reinstalling all the extensions it works exactly like it did.

(well... i still need a theme.)
Well even though i tend to like IE, i decided to give Firefox a try so i installed 0.9 and it is really pretty good. Seems pretty quick, a few things can take a little getting used to but i like features like the pop-up control and different themes etc. Overall it is pretty good i might end up using it quite a bit(like i am right now). :D
mosin said:
There are extensions to customize how Firefox downloads, if you don't like the default way of doing it.
Links? Mozdev doesn't seem to have anything useful.