Find <name>.* where there isn't <name>.txt?


Aug 9, 2010
I'm looking for an app or anything that can give me a list of files that do *not* have an accompanying file with the exact same name but a txt extension.

Basically this is for media files (mkv, iso, avi, mp4, ts, etc) that is missing an accompanying metadata file. So one file in the pair needs to be a wildcard extension (ie any extension) and I need a check if there is a file with the same name but txt extension.

I googled for a while but I came up blank. I found some nice bash scripts to find the pair of files, but I need to find the exceptions, not the pairs, and I am on Windows :(. The directories it will be searching every file should have a txt file that accompanies it, so if it doesn't that is the file I need listed. It would also have to be able to search nested dirs about 5 layers deep.

Anyone know if such an app exists? Or have any ideas on how to do this? Thanks!