Finally got my hands on the 360 today.

Jan 18, 2005
Contrary to all the negativity about, I think I played on the worst set up possible. The screen was crooked by about 30 degrees to the right, jaggies everywhere.

But god, I'm glad I pre-ordered Kameo.

After going nuts and raving about Psychonauts to all my friends, I think i've been on a platforming crave and Kameo suits it just fine. I love the art style, the lighthearted storybook feel which is consistent throught the whole game's look.

The actual tech side of the graphics, I was very impressed. Everything was parralex mapped, enemies were nicley detailed. I don't see how people can not consider this next gen. For a console, I wasn't expecting Advent Children caliber gfx like so many other people. Or dare I even mention, the Killzone trailer. I know its an imposibility for this gen. So anywyas, Kameo. Very impressed.

Then I played COD:2. Ok. Here is where I got bored. I think I may just be getting bored of the FPS genre, but Call of duty really didn't appeal to me at all. The gfx were okay, but a huge contrast with Kameo. I'm no tech guru, but I assume this would be attributed to the fact that Kameo was made for 360 hardware, while COD was made more to be able to play on lower end PCS as well as high end.

I'm a bit of a graphics whore, whenever I see a smearered texture, i feel kind of disgusted, and COD2 was full of them.


I did play the PC demo. On my 9800 Pro with a AMD64 2800+, I couldn't even run the game in DX9 mode! So I was kinda happy that I could play the game at max settings without having to buy another GPU.

I'll have to give COD2 a rent when it comes out though.

Those were my impressions.