FileZilla Server in corporate environment?


Limp Gawd
Jun 4, 2003
The firm I work for has been utilizing Microsoft's Windows 2000 Server built-in ftp service for quite sometime for a DMZ'd FTP server. Becuase the builtin FTP server is difficult to manage and monitor, I was thinking of replacing it with FileZilla Server becuase I myself have not had any problems with it, and it would fit the firm's needs quite well. Has anyone used FZserver in a production network with any success?
Yup. I use filezilla server any time I need a windows based FTP server. Otherwise for *nix I use pureftpd. I currently use filezilla for a few specific functions. One is for our EDI servers - which hundreds of customers access daily the other is for credit card processing servers that a tech from a banking network FTPs into to periodically transfer some data files.
No. No problems at all. I've been running this for years. There was a small bug with their installation program about a year back. An updated version was released two days later to fix the bug.
We've been running it for about 1/2 a year now and have been very happy, especially with the secure FTP features since most of the stuff we send to the FTP server we don't want to send plain text. I've been very happy with just works, so well that we are looking at moving our other FTP servers over to it in the next month or 2.
Great, thanks for the replies. I think I'll be moving ours over to it within a month.