Filesharing Programs

Wich One Would You Rather Do?

  • Pay and not use 2p2 programs

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Get it for free through 2p2 programs

    Votes: 9 75.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Aug 16, 2004
Wich 2p2 filesharing netwroks do you use and would you rather pay for your music or get it for free give some opinions about what you think :cool:
Allow me to translate:
Wich 2p2 filesharing netwroks do you use and would you rather pay for your music or get it for free give some opinions about what you think
Which p2p filesharing networks do you use? Would you rather pay for your music or be a theiving bastard and steal it?

You can consider that my opinion too.
Well, that's not really a fair question.
Of course I would rather get it for free, but I don't. Besides, there are many more applications for p2p besides music sharing. Anime being the only thing I really use it for anyway.
Check out music for free and buy the stuff I really like.

What? You expect me to actually buy the 'latest, greatest album' of band X without knowing exactly what I'm buying?

BTW, copyright infringement does not equal stealing. One is a civil, the other a criminal offence. Big difference.
I dont think you can really ask this questions since it is illegal to get the stuff for free.
So you have no choice but to pay.
you are missing an option

pay for software and use p2p for mass d/l of mods/distro/...
Elledan said:
BTW, copyright infringement does not equal stealing. One is a civil, the other a criminal offence. Big difference.
And yet, it's still stealing.

You can argue about the terminology until you are blue in the face, I really don't care what is legal/illegal. Morally, it's wrong.
This just seems so pointless. Would you rather pay for a bit of ice cream or get an unlimited supply for free? I don't understand the point of this poll.
XOR != OR said:
And yet, it's still stealing.
Negative. No property is taken away from anyone.

You can argue about the terminology until you are blue in the face, I really don't care what is legal/illegal. Morally, it's wrong.
Morals are merely subjective until you can back them up with facts and sound reasoning.

Royalties make no sense whatsoever, whether it's in a Capitalistic, Socialistic or Communistic society. Artists are to be paid only to enable them to create new content. Paying them for no work on their side goes in against sustainable economic development. Don't forget that royalties are only a recent invention.
Ok, fine. Throw stealing out the window then.

The owners of content have setup rules for access to said content. It's their content, their rules. You, because it's owed to you somehow, decide that you want their content without following their rules.

That is wrong, I don't care how you try to wiggle around it. If you don't like their terms, don't take the content. If the content means that much to you, then agree to the terms.

Personally, I can't stand modern music for more than a few minutes. As if the latest teen-bopper isn't enough, and there seem to be many of those, hip hop is becoming more and more popular. And I really don't care how many cars/girls/bling blings some random idiot on the radio has.

Funny OT about "bling bling": I love this "word". It is a perfect flag, indicating to me that the person who said it isn't worth listening to. Or song that it's in.
You know this poll is silly. That's like asking if you would rather the record stores hand out music for free or pay for it. If you want a poll on p2p, come up with a better one.
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