fedora partitions


Limp Gawd
Feb 20, 2001
I have a laptop with a 60 GB hd. I want to dual boot XP and Fedora Core 1. I have already allocated 16Gb as the primary partition for windows as ntfs and left the 40 GB as FAT32 as backup and data. I have never done a custom linux install. I have always done it on one HD. I know I need 3 partitions, 1 boot(100MB), 1 SWAP(2x RAM), and 1 EXT2(depending on how much I want for linux). Is this correct? Do any of those have to be in any order or part of the primary? I want to have at least 20 GB as a backup partition.

I also noticed that the partition expert had an option for ReiserFS, do I need to make one of those paritions?

Thanks in advance.
Install XP first.

Then the Fedora setup should have auto allocation. To do it, you should just have to start the Linux setup and when it comes to partitioning, set it to "auto allocate." Setup will create the partitions that it needs to have to run.

Tweak the new partitions to the size you want, in your case the /swap, /home, etc then hit format to complete the process, create a new partition of a size of your choosing if you like.

Then install Fedora and w00t.
When I choose automatically partition it's got 3 options after that: Remove all linux partitions, remove all partitions, and keep all partitions. If I choose remove all linux it wants to remove /dev/hda. If I choose remove all partitions it says same thing. When I choose keep all it gives an error and says could not allocate requrested partitions:paritions failed: Could not allocate partitions as primary partitions.

I have Win XP setup already on the primary 16GB and a formated FAT32 40 GB partitions as logical. How should I have it partitioned before I go into the setup?