Faulty internet connection


Jun 23, 2004
I'm having a problem with my Internet Service Provider. Time Warner Cable in Southern California.
I get constant service interruptions. It has been this way for a long time. I've called many times, but all they ever want to do is replace the cable modem. I've replaced it a few times, but that is not the problem. Without fail every time the signal goes down, all I have to do is wait and it comes back. Sometimes a few minutes, sometimes hours. It's always been a pain, but its worse now that my wife is home all day on maternity leave and she notices the problem all the time.

I would like to run some sort of test program during the day that pings their server (or any server) at a set interval and can log when the connection is down. What can I do?
I'm having a problem with my Internet Service Provider. Time Warner Cable in Southern California.
I get constant service interruptions. It has been this way for a long time. I've called many times, but all they ever want to do is replace the cable modem. I've replaced it a few times, but that is not the problem. Without fail every time the signal goes down, all I have to do is wait and it comes back. Sometimes a few minutes, sometimes hours. It's always been a pain, but its worse now that my wife is home all day on maternity leave and she notices the problem all the time.

I would like to run some sort of test program during the day that pings their server (or any server) at a set interval and can log when the connection is down. What can I do?

I use this on customers with issues like yours,


Ping plotter is awesome!
See if you can view the internal web page of the cable modem you have and display the signal strengths that the modem is seeing. Usually the link to view this is depending on the modem you have. The signal stats and the event logs can help determine the issue.

You could also try posting a support ticket here:

That's the DSL Reports forum for direct support from TWC. Anything you post in there is private between you and their support staff. They might be a little better trained then some of the phone agents you may have talked with in the past. They might see something that others haven't seen.