Faded color problem


Limp Gawd
Oct 27, 2003
the colors on the bottom of my screen on my new HP W2207 monitor are lighter then on the top. I took the monitor up to best buy and had them look at it. the colors we even top to bottom at best buy using my cable. also when i plug it in with the DVI cable the color fading is much worst then with the VGA cable. could the problem be my video card or could there be some other problem.
That's just what TN panels do. They have poor vertical viewing angles which cause the bottom to look washed out compared to the top.
That's just what TN panels do. They have poor vertical viewing angles which cause the bottom to look washed out compared to the top.

This doesn't explain why the monitor at BB wasn't uneven, though. Hmm, sorry; i don't have an answer.