Ext. Firewire drive problem


Feb 14, 2005
So my external 250gb HD decided to be weird today

I had to reset because CS:S lock up on load. nothing to odd, usually its in game, not loading that it locks but i figured w/e

restarted and ran CS:S for a while np

then went to start my Mp3s and nothing would play... hmm

go to folders open them on my other drive, fine

go to my computer and notice it says "Local Disk" not the name "Glutton" which is what its called

i double click, it says it hasent been formatted yet.. would i like to..

Oh hell no...

its done this once before - firewire got confused, nothing i plugged in would work - reset and it was ok

so i take it out of the firewire, bring it to laptop, plug it in with USB and a few bleeps and bloops later i open up my computer and "local disk" is there again

I know Partiton magic has a partitoin fix and some other fun tools, but last time i tried to use it, it (not me... it..) screwed up the disk and almost made me very mad, luckly i was able to salavage it and nothing was lost

is there another program that can fix boot records or partition tables??

I really dont want to have to loose this cause of a reset it didnt like